Friday, December 21, 2007

Oh, they're made for walking

I once had this photo as my profile picture on the infamously poopular (not a typo) fad called Wastebook Facebook. At the time, it elicited a comment that I was reminded of tonight as the evening drew to a close not too long ago (it was a long night).

    "Gangsta...I'd like to see how you run from the 5-0 with those killer heels!"

To which I responded:

    "Just FYI, I can run a MARATHON in those heels!"

If I didn't actually believe my own claim before, I believe it after tonight.

Earlier on in the week, BigSexy texted me "Thurs. Dinner and a movie" to which I enthusiastically replied "YES!!!" I told him to just pick the place and show and I'd be there. And so the map of the car-less evening proceeded to draw itself out as follows:

- Avenue and Bloor to Sassafraz (Bellair and Cumberland)
- Sassafraz to Eaton Centre (Yonge and Dundas)
- Eaton Centre to Paramount theatre (John and Richmond)
- Paramount to a Queen Street bus stop (Queen and John)
- Kennedy bus stop to my home (on a path straight down the middle of each road)

By my eyeballing a Google map, I'd say we did at least 3km, and not a single complaint was heard from my feet. Sure, they got a little cold, but it's winter. I could have kept walking on until dawn. Love those boots. They're definitely for looking good, but also great for long walks, and (according to Squiggly) have the perfect heel for stabbing men in the hearts with, just before twisting. :p

BigSexy made for a great date as usual ("Why don't any women want to date me for real? Why do they always call me as the pick-me-up?" "Hey, you called me."). The food at Sassafraz was YUM-u, and the living wall was stunning (Our table was third from the left, but the next time I go back, I intend to go with someone to snuggle into the corner booth with). Soup (which I fed myself), chicken on risotto (*sigh*), and a dessert I couldn't pronounce with a latte (because I didn't think the hot chocolate came with cherries). The conversation was intellectually progressive (my fave), the movie was IMAXingly entertaining (which made for more conversation on the ride home), and to top it all off, I got a present at the end ("I'm sorry, I know I always get you books, but I'll try not to next time." "I think I'll be a little offended if you do that."). Ladies, he's more than a great date--he's the only guy that's not a jerk. ;) I'll hook you up.

1 comment:

diary of a G said...

like the picture