Saturday, August 28, 2010


I had a long drive today. I wish I'd had a camera--any camera--with me. The signs on the road on the way made me smile to myself.

I was asked to break for snakes. I didn't see any though.

I drove by Joe King's Road. I wondered if it was just Joe King's Road.

I passed the road to Go Home Lake.

The drive left me with a lot of time to myself--something I haven't had in a while. Just time to left my mind wander; just time to think and ponder. I thought about holding on to somethings, and to letting go of others. About fighting for love, about giving into it. I went through the what-ifs, the buts, the if-onlys. I sometimes drove in silence and I sometimes sang along loudly to the songs. I had a coffee all by myself and I felt better.

I can't be sure, but I think the three-year mark is rolling around.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

That'll do, Donkey, that'll do.

Second week of work at the new place and yesterday I quickly and creatively solved a problem which elicited the response:

    "Shit, that's really good."

So far, so good.

Friday, August 13, 2010

On to the next

Not only can I take care of myself, but I can do anything. Waiting really sucks when all you want to do is push on and move forward and grow up. Sometimes you can't do anything about the wait because it's not your timeline to control, but you can definitely do things to fill the time while you anxiously count down the time until it happens. You can do things to distract yourself from the time that isn't under your control.

You can go on trips. You can get pampered. You can fall in love.

You can wrap your co-worker's desk in packing tape.

I digress.

But whatever the case may be, the point is that while the waiting is hard, it doesn't have to be a bad experience. With some teamwork, you won't even notice the time fly by.

Last day today. First day on Monday. Next adventure is on!

Quote of the Moment:

    "A creature of habit; you get stuck in a puddle too long and you'll grow webbed feet."
    --new Bestie at work

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

But I already knew that

Today I:

picked up coffee for myself and 2 other people, setup a payroll system, trained a new employee, set up meetings with my new employer, went to the bank, responded to personal email, responded to work email, responded to volleyball team email, went to the bank, fed myself and one other person, prepared an order, prepared a batch of shipments, created a work schedule, resolved my own Blackberry problems, answered phones, drove home, rode the subway, attended a baseball game, gave directions, was courteous, went for a several kilometre walk, rode the subway again, cleaned the kitchen, washed pots and pans, loaded the dishwasher, started the dishwasher, did two loads of laundry, folded 2 loads of laundry, put away laundry, showered, packed up a vacuum cleaner, did graphical edits, emailed about graphical project, blogged, and thought about going to bed.

I can take care of me.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Wasn't quite what I was looking for either...but I accept

And so, I've found something else interesting that I thought I would share with you. It's filed under the "interesting" links, and it definitely IS interesting. In that witty, higher-sense of humour sort of way.

Ugh, I don't know what to say about it. Just read it. It is for all of us who have been ever asked to do a design, make a pie chart, or to censor ourselves. If there was an emoticon to express "F--- you," I would probably have inserted it here.


Friday, August 06, 2010


It's probably so empty because no one can figure out what they're asking for on the cup.

His other one...

As Crazy said, "his winter beater's probably a Ferrari."

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Well MY other one's a bike

Ehbaba and her hubby came for a visit from down under this month. When they arrived, Crazy and I offered them the use of one of our vehicles while we were away for the weekend, but Mr. Ehbaba graciously declined because one of his friends had already arranged to lend them one of his.

So, Crazy and I took off for the weekend.

Upon our return, the four of us met up for a movie--Inception--after which we walked together to our respective rides. Crazy and I headed towards the Corolla, ehbaba headed to her Mini Cooper S, and Mr. ehbaba headed to his borrowed car...a fire engine red, Porsche Boxter convertible.

    "Well no wonder you didn't want to use one of our cars!"
    "Actually, it was either this or the Mercedes."

Decisions, huh?

Monday, August 02, 2010

Quotes from the Weekend

As the Bride and Groom meet at the altar to exchange vows:
    "Hey, did you hear they're coming out with a Hangover 2?!"

During the Bridesmaids' speech, after apologizing if they sound like a Hallmark Greeting:
    "We hope you guys last."

While on an angry tirade about men:
    "If you have a sausage, stand clear of the Sa!"