Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nothing but class

Canada vs. US Men's hockey. Crazybf, Dimps and I watched from Casey's at Union. As the mood moved us, Dimps and I managed 2 bottles of wine, Dimps taking the brunt of them. While the game was entertaining enough (in a heartbreaking sort of way), Dimps was even more so. Crazybf was smart (and sober) enough to have thought to catch a few of the special moments of hers on video. But as for the rest of the night, man, I wish I could have just collected up all of the gems she said to share them with the world.

Psst! Your boyfriend eats wings like a pansy!

Psst! You eat wings like a pansy!

Lu-on-go! Lu-on-go!


Cypress only
wishes it could be half as cool as me!

I am one big ball of class. I am nothing BUT classy! *belch*

This shirt makes boys look at my boobs.



As a sidenote: I apologize to ehbaba for negating her efforts to record the game AND her efforts to avoid learning the score before watching in one fell swoop of an email. :/ I'm even more sorry that I seem to be making a habit of doing this to her...

Couldn't litter

Okay, so this post happened, like, 3 weeks ago now and I just couldn't bring myself to delete it, no matter how much trouble I was having with finishing it (even though it was about a Susur meal). Long story short--it was delicious. Short stories short--we made fun of a girl all night for having worn a gown and peekaboo heels on a freezing cold night with an inch of snow on the ground.

The internet crashed at work, so I’m familiarizing myself with the keyboard shortcuts on my Mac. Command vs. Control. Would you rather be in a Command or Control environment? Hahaha.

I’ve never used FB Notes before because I’m a blog snob and won’t bother with them. However, it would appear that posting notes is fairly popular amongst those on my Friend List. I read a couple last night, and heck, darned me if they weren’t good! But, I’m still not quite the FB fiend, so I miss a lot of those, and I’m not a super creeper so I don’t frequent anyone’s page enough to catch them. Please get blogs. I like to creep blogs best.

Ah, right. So Monday I get a message from Dimps:

“So. Wondering. U and CrazyBF want to grab a winterlicious dinner tomorrow?”

The answer of course was yes, but due to a sudden rush of lethargy, I couldn’t muster up the energy required to peruse the pared down selection of restos that Dimps had prepared. When asked what I wanted for dinner and where I wanted to go, I just lazily left it up to her.

Until technical difficulties at work afforded me 5 minutes of surf-time the next day. Lo and behold…one of the options was a SUSUR option!

Dimps was busy getting her tooth worked on and hadn’t had time to change our reservations to Madeline’s (the Susur Lee restaurant).

“I am going to be [in the dentist’s chair] so will be unavailable to call later on. If you guys want to give it a shot, go nuts.”

And so I did. Table for 3 at 8:30pm that night. My taste buds couldn’t wait.

We got there, and while the decor was a bit much for the eyes, the food made up for it. What SUPER made up for it, was the surprisingly casual appearances of Mr. Susur Lee himself. I couldn't help but gawk.

"Guys! That's him!"

He come out of the kitchen a few times throughout the night--once to personally greet one of the other diners--and I was awestruck each time.

Back to the food.

Appetizers, mains, and desserts were in choices of 3. Amongst the 3 of us, we managed to land one of each of the appetizers, 2 of the 3 mains, and 2 of the 3 desserts. We even had the gall to order 2 other appetizers off the a la carte menu. Man, were we ever happy campers.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday randoms before dinner

I covet the flowers the I see men carrying through the streets of the city. It doesn't matter who the flowers are intended for, what they're intended for, or if they are the man's own bouquet--I just know they're not for me.

I had a surprising, entertaining, and reassuring chat today with someone from before. It began as a comment, bloomed into a reply, and exploded into a split-screen conversation between two wordly articulate people who could only ever really communicate through the written word (and best when between the brackets).

If there really such a phenomenon as pathetic fallacy, then the world is reflecting my feelings of limbo. I kind of have a job, but I'm still looking. It's kind of cold, but unseasonably warm. I've kind of moved out on my own, but i'm not an owner of any sort. It's kind of sunny, but still very drab. I'm kind of happy, but i'm currently pretty confused. It's not snowy, but it's wet.


"Type 'where can I find Chuck Norris?' into Google, and then click 'I'm feeling lucky'."

I did. I smiled. I laughed. It felt good.

It's (un) official. The trinity of the JFC shares energy too.


There's this really wide corridor that runs down the entire length of the office floor. It's just too narrow to fit another row of (half-) cubicles in it, so they've left it empty. Every once in a while you'll come across a table or shelf, but for the most part, it's just completely wide open.

I'm tempted to do cartwheels down the entire way. Actually, if I'd ever learned how to, I'd rather do a continuous length of backflips instead.

I figure it'd do wonders to breakup my day a bit. Everyone's day, for that matter.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

With glowing hearts

The 2010 Winter Olympic Opening Ceremonies. Oh man, what a disappointment. I mean, it’s not to say that it wasn’t a good show…it was. Except for the culminating moment. For months, all of the media and broadcasting companies have been making the biggest deal about the Olympics, following every inch of the Olympic flame’s journey across the country. It finally makes it to its destination in Vancouver—it makes it all the way into the stadium—and then, there, in front of millions of viewers, both in person and via television, they experience the worst technical difficultly at the worst possible moment, and we are forced to cringe through a three-quarters complete lighting of a limping hydraulic blunder, rather than gasp in awe at the beautiful, graceful lighting of an international symbol of friendship and fierce but friendly competition.


However. Like I said, it wasn’t a total cock-up. I didn’t watch the Opening Ceremonies in their entirety, but I heard that the rest of it went well. We’d been out for most of the night so when we got home, the Ceremonies were nearly at their high point (they were counting down the minutes until the Flame’s arrival). I caught a couple of speeches, the oaths, the moment of silence (that was really a tragedy). But the one thing that I DID catch (and afterwards watched three times over, thanks to the PVR) was KD Lang’s performance of Hallelujah.

I had shivers. I. Love. That. Song.

As much as I love that song, it didn’t hurt that I thought that KD Lang did a great job of performing it. Her vocals were amazing but effortless. Her presence was captivating. And I thought it was awesome that despite it being the Winter Olympics, she was barefoot. A Canadian-written song sung by a Canadian icon embodying the notion of global acceptance.

I have to admit though, as amazing as the performance by KD was, it was not my favourite performance of that song. There is no topping my favourite performance of that song.

It was at the ACC during a Jon Bon Jovi concert. Leonard Cohen was just that week being inducted into the Music Hall of Fame and in honour of that Canadian achievement, Mr. Bon Jovi selected to sing Hallelujah as his encore. It was beautifully haunting. Not only did he do a great job himself, but at the chorus, he took a break from singing and the crowd sang for him. The sound of 10,000 voices rose up and filled the entire stadium, “hallelujah, hallelujah.”

That was, and continues to be my favourite ever experience of that song.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Crafty Success

I made my boyfriend cry over the weekend, and I was proud of myself for doing so. :) Thanks to all who helped me achieve the effect!

After random not-lunch-not-dinner sushi with Dimps on Saturday, we wandered over to the craft store, Michael's. OMG. I was in heaven.

I mean, it's not like I've never been to the store before--I've frequented it a lot, actually--but this was the first time (since Dimps got lost along the way) that I took a few moments to wander the aisles. Usually, I'm so focused when I run into that store. I know exactly what I need to finish my craft at the moment (and usually, it's a last minute thing) so I'm in and out in a flash (that's what she said). But this time, I saw everything.

You know, a whole quarter of that store (yes, a QUARTER) is dedicated solely to the art of scrapbooking? Oh man, like a chump I've been cutting out my own fancy shapes and stuff out of paper and magazines, when they have EVERY POSSIBLE size and shape of ANYTHING iconic that you could want!

And then there was the beading section...and the knitting section...and the accessories section...I left there itching to MAKE something. I guess that's what I would like to do if I could: craft and get paid for it. I would LOVE that. But the things that I make--though the product is well worth the effort-- take so much TIME, that there's no way that anyone could afford to pay me to do those things I do. I don't think so anyway.

If anyone wants commissioned work though, let me know. I'm slowly making my way through my knitted orders, so I'll have time soon!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Who's counting anyway?

2 posts ago--the one about steak--that was my 1000th post. Woo. I suppose had I been paying more attention, I could have made it a landmark sort of post...but inspired writing doesn't really happen like that.

There was an essay/short story (can't remember which) I read in...Grade 10? Whatever the (not so) fearsome Mr. Tucker taught me. Anyway, it was about 2 authors who met on a ferry ride, and for the duration of the ride, they told each other what they were writing about. The first guy took 2 seconds.

    "I'm writing a story about something...I'm not totally sure yet what's going to happen."

And the second guy took the rest of the ferry ride.

    "I'm writing about [this specific historical figure]. It's going to be a novel of 300,000 words." And he proceeds to spell out exactly how many words he's going to spend on each specific part of his character's life and specific milestones along the way.

It ends fairly nonchalantly with the two guys arriving at their destination and parting ways, but it leaves you with the message hitting home--you can't plan these sorts of things. Maybe you had to read it to get it. But for some reason, it's stuck with me.

You can't fit me into a word count.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

I swear it's not Crazy

    "Hey hun, if you have any more asshole friends, I wouldn't mind meeting them."