Sunday, September 16, 2007

Quote of the Moment:

    "Why can't the single people who just want to meet people for company all wear signs that say 'please, come talk to me'?"

But then that would be easy.

The fear is apparently being seen as a jerk if after just one coffee and in-depth discussion, there's no further attempt to advance a relationship. But why would that be if there's no want for a relationship? Perhaps along with that sign above, we should also carry around little cards to distribute to those we chat with, stating our intents, relationship status, and financial situations. Try to tell me you didn't know then!

I got rejected for a beer, but then accepted for a lunch, and it all worked itself out in the end. Besides, either way, the drive was beautiful.

Thanks for the sunglasses, Brodder.

Never mind

I was going to post something about judgement and being single, but I got a little sidetracked and have lost my train of thought. However, because I'd already pulled a picture to go along with illustrating my ideas, I'm going to post it anyway.

Single, and laughing it.

Damn you, Monica's team!

Boo - will you PLEASE join facebook!
Boo - I'm making an account for you
Boo - and you have to log on
Boo - or you can do it
Boo - :D
Boo - Say you will. Say it! Type it!
Boo - boobie...?
Me - visit you in Orange county?
Me - of course I will if it's possible!
Boo - Well yes
Boo - But I want you to join facebook!
Me - why facebook?
Me - what have you there that you can't share here?
Boo - cause it keeps people connected
Me - but we ARE connected!
Boo - LOL
Boo - b-b-b-ut it's crack and I'm a junkie
Boo - and misery loves company
Me - c'mon, how much more connected can we get than you perpetually grabbing my boob?
Me - hahaha
Boo - hahahhaa so much more
Boo - you have no idea
Me - no, apparently i don't. :)
Boo - So go go go
Boo - join it!
Me - I went out with Squiggly last night and watched him get a "join facebook" lecture from one of his friends
Me - it was rather funn
Me - *funny
Boo - well did he?
Boo - and why haven't you?
Me - of course
Me - not
Boo - Honestly! it doesn't hurt
Me - hahaha, laziness
Boo - and your lonely friend is asking you!
Me - but then I'll have to make it
Boo - and damn it you're supposed to love me!
Me - look good and stuff
Me - hahaha
Me - but I DO love you
Me - why can't I just have here...
Boo - that's the beauty of facebook
Boo - you can't change it up
Boo - at all
Boo - it's sooo uniform
Me - rather than have to share you wtih billioins of others?
Boo - it's a part of who I am
Boo - and if you knew me at all you'd know that!
Me - hahahahaha
Me - are we breaking up?
Boo - I think I need some time to re-evaluate us...
Me - so is this a break, or a break-up?"
Boo - hard to say
Boo - it's not you
Boo - ...
Boo - it's...
Boo - Lou
Boo - LOL
Me - ahahahah
Boo - Alright so join it already!
Me - ACK!
Boo - I can't believe I have to fight this hard
Boo - you know you're special woman
Me - I'm not one of those boys that just gives in to you,
Me - but I must say, that of all the people I know, you're the one that's plead the most convincing case...
Boo - it's my eyes
Boo - so I'm told
Boo - LOL
Me - LoL
Boo - So are you going or what?
Boo - come on, do it now
Boo - so you never have to think about it again
Boo - accept everytime you log on
Me - potty first
Boo - but besides that, you'll be free of it
Boo - Fine. Potty first.
Boo - but facebook after@
Boo - !
Me - is there anyway I can make a secret account just for you?
Boo - NO.
Boo - Why are you so against this?
Boo - honestly
Me - LoL
Boo - you're gonna get hooked on it and find happiness
Boo - or at least a time-killer for the lonely moments
Me - will it be plastic?
Boo - then you'll just be pissed that you've wasted your time on facebook rather than thinking stupid thoughts
Boo - LOL
Boo - hahahhaa
Me - LOL
Boo - You know, I should write a song about plastic happiness
Boo - LOL
Boo - it'll be all deep and shit
Me - you should. deep. hahaha
Me - so what do I have to do to sign up?
Boo - just go to
Boo - and follow the instructions
Boo - come on, Boo. You're a smart cookie
Me - I can't believe I'm going to do this.
Boo - use dem brains
Me - for YOU. It's ONLY for you
Boo - Next I'm gonna make you try crack
Boo - Just to see if I can
Boo - LOL
Me - I've turned down so many before you, you know
Me - hahahhahaha
Boo - then I'll be like, "what's it like?"
Me - LOL
Boo - hahahhaa
Me - I think I'll have to hate you one of these days
Me - this, Heroes
Me - facebook
Me - music
Boo - LOL
Me - I can't believe you boo
Boo - OHHH music
Boo - I got some for you
Me - why do I cave to YOUR pressure?!?!
Me - I'm going to post this convo on my blog
Me - just to prove it wasn't my choice to join facebook
Boo - Because I'm Boo-F.N.-bie
Me - hahaha
Me - yes, yes you are
Boo - hahahba
Boo - yeah yeah yeah
Boo - ppl will think you made this convo up
Boo - no real person can be this smooth
Me - hahaha
Me - riiiiight

And there you have it. The one person I can never say no to, used her powers and conned me to the dark-side. I think secretly I always had the thought of joining, even if it was to have no friends but to see all the pictures that everyone was sharing without me. Monica's team always wins.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lilliputians at Light Lounge

    "Why don't you go around and see if there are any guys to dance with?"
    "I'd think about it if I wasn't taller than everyone here."
    "Shit, you are taller than everyone here."

Still good times to be had. My feet hated me by the end of the night, but probably because of the two pairs of shoes I alternated throughout the day, neither had a heel lower than 4 inches. Love it.

Woke up this morning to have my hair dyed, highlighted, and cut. Love it even more. I missed being red. Vegas countdown is ticking...

Friday, September 14, 2007

A Rational Panic

Soulful soundtracks serenade her as she sits on the sill of the bay window in her room, writing. She stares out at the rain, wondering if it has disrupted her plans for the night; probably not—to stay in would only serve to let her wallow in her solitude.

Solitude. She’s been doing a lot of thinking about that lately. By her own choice, she’s moving through the days alone now; it’s been a while since she’s had anyone by her side and despite the amount of time elapsed, she still feels the void—as palpable as though there was something there rather than something missing.

But then, it’s not like she’s looking for a relationship. As discussed with another newly single friend of hers, it’s about meeting new people and just having a good time for the hell of it. Learning more about the times and about herself; trying new things and having new experiences; growing just that little bit more. Dating around may and may not be the term, but it’s basically the idea. But then arises the question of how to meet those new people.

Out of school and comfortably working in a quiet office, there don’t happen those chance-encounters that used to while waitressing her way through University. The prospect of having to chase down men at clubs or bars or chat-rooms or elsewhere does not appeal to her at all and instead she is forced to be content with the passive inactivity that she opts for.

She pauses a moment to look out the window, seeing past the rivers running down to the days that now seem so far away, when she used to find phone numbers scribbled on napkins or receipts, or to the business cards so slyly slipped into her hand. She hates that before she always just threw those away—now she can only wish that those things would ever happen again, even if she still did nothing about them.

While she won’t be the chaser, she’s been told that neither will the men; apparently other females of her age and mindset are all too eager to get serious and talk marriage too soon and this is why the men are so distant. She thinks it absurd, but that is probably due to the fact that she’s not of that mindset. She might have been a year ago, but not now. Realistically, she’s not ready to have to take care of anyone else other than herself—she’s not a babysitter and she’s felt like that too many times over too much of her life to want to risk having that fall upon her again with someone new.

She looks up from her writing to notice the time. It’s only half an hour from the time her friend arranged to pick her up for the film festival that night. She decides to put her writing down for the moment; it’s not as though she managed to have any mind-clearing epiphanies like she’d hoped. She closes the cover of her journal and just sits for a moment before beginning to get ready to leave. She takes a sip from the mug of tea that sits next to her. It’s at that moment that she thinks of someone else she knows that also drinks tea in the evenings. She smiles.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Late and Fragmented

Went to a pseudo-TIFF screening tonight. Pseudo only because I think the official one was on Monday--today was just to accomodate the hoardes of us that didn't get in the first time.

The film was Late Fragment and was produced by the company that T works for. While initially we were there just to support her and her effort, I think we all emerged as fans. Curious-er and curious-er, I wouldn't mind owning a copy of my own to watch and interact with in a few months.

Must sleep. Beyond exhaustion.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Spot the difference

Once upon a time, in a land where there were nothing but sunny days and part-time shifts...

...there lived a girl.

One day, the girl was stricken to find that Responsibility, Priorities, and Full-Time Work had come to take over her happy land; they caused such disruption and chaos that she soon found her happy land turned upside-down.

Though for a while she let these things run amok in her life...

...she realized that she couldn't banish these new things from her life, so she had to get used to them. To do this, she did the one thing she knew would get them all into balance.


Had some fun with the camera the last couple of nights while moping around by myself. I really should learn to use this one properly before moving on to my next one like I'm so eagerly wanting to do...

Fun Fact:
(just because for some reason I STILL don't want to go to bed...)

I started eating and liking olives only because of the hot guy that was eating olives that day.
    "Hmmm...I get all these olives to myself because noboby else here likes olives!"
    "Not true!"

One of the most delicious days ever. And that is why I now eat olives.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Because I can

After a long day at work, and the loom of a long morning ahead, I trudged home only to be faced with all the crap at home I had to do. So, how to cheer myself up while having to shovel through the mess? Clean with my new shoes on, of course.

Vegas, here we come!

How to:

1. keep dad from checking over your shoulder to see whether or not you're speeding on the way to Montreal:
Good ol' flopply CD cases.

2. keep dad from freaking out that we didn't book a hotel room before leaving Toronto the day before, and have been turned away from 2 fully booked hotels already by 5pm that day:
Book him into the damn nicest hotel you can find otherwise (Fairmont: Queen Elizabeth).

3. keep mom and dad from nit-picking over each other's driving and parking methods:
Do all the driving yourself and let only Sleeping Brodder sit in the front seat.

4. have the BEST WEEKEND EVER with family on vacation:

Follow steps 1-3.

Hehe. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE family vacations because I love the fam (please don't tell them I said that), but certain members of my family have yet to learn how to RELAX and TAKE IT EASY while on vacation--especially when it's on short weekend jaunts like this. After all, though, it was the best weekend EVER.

I really want to write more and more all night, but I'm unfortunately I have to remind myself that I must be a responsible adult and show up at my place of employment (on time) tomorrow for 3 harrowing days of whirlwind working. I can only hope that my web-geeks can bail me out as they so unwittingly did on Friday. :)

Yet another Heroic bed-time story

Despite the remaining warm weather, I chose to climb into a pair of flannels with which to crawl into bed tonight. Who am I trying to impress anyway?

I hope no one has gone on to believe that I've been suffering from a case of the lonelys this whole time that I've been away from writing. Stuff's been too crazy to tell you otherwise. I'd apologize, but I'm not trying to impress you, so too bad. :)

A little while ago, I was bursting with things to write about, but now, after 2 attempts, I still have yet to put anything publishable to the page. And so, I shall attempt to tell you later about my day today with Squiggly, my tourney trip to San Fran, and my family trip to Montreal. For now, I will stick to the ever reliable Thundering Chicken Hero Cookie story.

As you may or may not be familiar with, everytime my friend the Thundering Chicken Hero Cookie returns to town from London, England (how do you piss off the British? Ask where England is on a map), there is some sort of randomly memorable experience to be had. In the past, there was the alien bug, the biggest gamble ever, the chase-the-skunk night, and the asian fried chicken, to name a few.

However, the time before last, he managed to return without much ado. Sure it was his birthday weekend and there were some drunken festivities involved, but nothing really out of the ordinary. In fact, we'd made it to the last day of his trip home, and still nothing had happened. He, myself and Dimps had spent the evening down at the Taste of the Danforth, and were paused by the side of the crowded, people-filled road, waiting for Sherman to find us when we addressed this. Actually, it was TCHC himself that brought this up.

    "I can't believe that I've been home this whole time and nothing crazy has happened."
    "I know! You haven't had your usual dose of stupidness this trip; it's really throwing me off!"
    "Tell me about it. Maybe I've somehow cleansed my karma and am now free of all stupidness."
    "I can't imagine you getting off that easy. But you do leave tomorrow; I guess we'll have to put this trip down as the first one without you experiencing something retarded."

We fell silent for a moment as we searched the throngs of people for Sherman. Not even 4 seconds had passed since our stupidness-less exchange when a clearly intoxicated girl stumbled onto the scene with her posse of friends chasing after her, trying to keep her in check. The three of us smiled, faintly amused at the familiar sight, when she started to head our direction; with us having chosen our meeting spot for it being landmarked by the bank of porta-potties, her direction change towards us only seemed to make sense since she looked ready to keel over and worship the next porcelain god she could find.

TCHC, Dimps, and I watched her get closer and closer with her friends, until it suddenly dawned on the three of us too late that she was definitely headed straight for TCHC. Sure enough, before we could react, she had clapped a hand onto TCHC's shoulder and was close-talking her fateful message directly to his face.

    "Hey! Asian-cock!" and with her free hand, she totally, full-frontally, wanged him in the sweet-spot.

    "D'oh!" came TCHC's cry.
    "Oooooooooooooooh," came mine and Dimps's inward gasp.
    "Oh my god we're so sorry!" the posse of friends tried to apologize.
    "It's okay! It's just my asian brotha!" came the excuse from the intoxicated ball-smacker.

Needless to say, TCHC returned to England the next day, his stupid-streak still intact.

And for the record, while it wasn't on home turf, I have seen that Thundering Chicken Hero Cookie since, and let's just say that the streak is STILL going, this last time involving 20GBP, crab-legs, and "just this much" diaper rash cream. Good times always.