I used strings of garland lights in the tree to make up for the weakness of the missing string--without those make-shift tree lights, the 2 remaining strings didn't even make it all the way around the whole thing! My only fear is that those garlands of lights might not be meant for the tree, and might burn the dang thing down--hence my frequent trips to the tree--just to check. :)
Found these buried in the pile of magazines that usually occupy the coffee table ($11.44!) in the living room. SCORE! Now I've got about a billion restaurants that I have to try, and all of these 2-for-1 coupons to take me touring around the city. Only thing is, I ain't going alone! Volunteers needed.
Came up with a heart-wrenching story for the holidays--will write it later, and perhaps post it; if I find I have the huevos. Sometimes you can't talk to people, not because you don't want to or because they don't want to, but rather because neither of you might be ready for it yet. How can that be? It just can. Happy Holidays, Sherman.
my mom always told me it's good to volunteer
me! me! me! me! take me with you!
sharing is caring.
- dimps.
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