Tuesday, December 15, 2009

For real

It's simply nice how you can sometimes get together with a friend after SO long of an absence, and yet still have enough to talk about to make 3 hours just fly by, and make your just barely-recovered voice disappear back down to a whisper again.

Those are the good kinds of friends--hold on to those.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lapping it up

Being away for the weekend, I went back home and stole Jenny back from my mother. I have posted twice since having her and despite touring around Montreal. I think it's safe to say that there is a direct correlation to having a laptop and my blogging.

I'd better get my act together and buy a new one soon, dang it.

Chin up

So, wandering around Montreal, kind of aimlessly, me and the Crazy bf realized that the BJ Penn fight was on tonight, and it suddenly became our mission to find a bar to sit at and watch.

Our first bar had the fight on, but was packed out the door with a lineup of rowdy college kids waiting to get in. Skipping that one, we trotted hand in hand from bar to bar only to find that no one seemed to be showing the fight (perhaps because GSP wasn't on the ticket?). Our last resort before throwing in the towel was a bar/club up the street. Despite the blinking club lights and the pounding music, miraculously they were showing it!

So, we barreled in and tried for a seat in the restaurant. The waitress thought we might be less disturbed (by the live band and smells of food) if we watched downstairs in the bar/club. Either way, we weren't going to be able to hear the commentary, but we just wanted to watch, so down we went and we pulled our seats up at the bar, bought (one) drink, and got comfy (we were practically in sweats anyway).

I had no voice, Crazy bf could barely yell above the pumping music himself, but we made great company for each other and had a ridiculous time.

Have you ever noticed that when they're weighing in and checking the fighters before they enter the octagon, they post 3 of the fighter's best traits?
  • world champion jujitsu
  • strong grappling skills
  • most wins in 1st round
  • never been knocked out
  • vicious elbow attacks

So what happens when you can't find 3 good traits about the fighter?

We came up with a few of our own suggestions...
  • dependable
  • very punctual
  • likes skiing

...but then our ridiculous question was answered when the fighter, Cheick Kongo, came up on the fight card:
    durable chin

Durable CHIN
?! Nice. Forgot to mention that he has a nice smile and a great sense of humour. Hahahaha. I probably lost a little more of my voice laughing so hard at it. Admittedly (and I guess, unfortunately), BJ Penn's third quality to be listed at his weigh-in was that he had a "granite chin." I suppose at least it was better than just a "durable" chin.

It's now a quarter to 3am, and we're showered and in comfy clothes...just about to watch a movie, and then head out to eat poutine. :D Good times.

Monday, December 07, 2009

It pays to drink

Today, I FINALLY got motivated (I don't know by what, but whatever) to gather up all the beer bottles from ALL over the place, box them, bag them, and then take them to the Beer Store for a refund, after which I then went to the grocery store to pick some stuff up.

Refund from bottles: $8.40
Total of grocery bill: $8.22

Who says drinking is a waste of time or money?

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

"OMG, I can't go down there!"

I've added a couple of posts to my Europe adventure recollection. I think it's easier to plow through them right now since there's no pressure to add any pictures. When I get myself more organized, I'll get back at that. I feel back that I'm slacking so bad, but since I gave up Jenny to mom, I just can't compute in the basement all day. With Jenny, at least I could sit upstairs on the couch and soak up what little sunlight there was.

There's only London left, really, but having worn and really walked in heels for the first time in MONTHS today, my back is really killing me, and I can't stand to sit here at this desk much longer. I've tried turning the chair around to sit bad-ass styles, moving the keyboard to my lap, adjusting my posture, worsening my posture...but all to no avail. I'll try to finish up tomorrow, I suppose.

If anyone's listening, I could go for an ergonomic chair--and I'm sure that I wouldn't mistake it for Robert Pattinson. :D