Thursday, December 20, 2007

Me so hungie

Due to my weakness of last week, I was encouraged by those dear to me to make a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. Apparently as soon as possible meant next week--today, to be precise. Also encouraged by those dear to me, I am fasting and have been doing so since my last mug of white hot chocolate last night, just in case my doctor would like to take some blood. At the rate I'm going, I'll be back in the same dizzying state as last week by the time I get there.

*faints* "THIS is why I was coming in the first place!"

I'm a little delirious and my extremities are a little cold; I'm becoming ridiculous at work. But apparently, everyone understands. I eat enough food here at the office that when I tell everyone I may be out of sorts due to self-imposed starvation, they all understand. What an awesome office. Tells you a little about how much I eat though, doesn't it? :)

On a slightly related note, Squiggly and I have had the following email exchanges today under the subject title of "Fatty be dancing!!!":

Squig - BAH!!!

me - Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!
Doctor's appointment today--I've been fasting so that she can take my blood if she wants, but that also means me be HUNGRY!!! BAH!

S - Today sucks! I just want to go home and go back to bed!!! When's your doc appointment?

m - Bed would be LOVELY right about now. So would a baby-sized burrito from Burrito Boyz. *drool* Doctor’s appointment is at 1:15. I drive P-face to the airport at 12pm. I’ma gon’ miss her.


S - Oh oh oh....I know how to throw salt in the wound!!!!!! We're having FREE turkey dinner at lunch today!!!! AND...they'll serve it for dinner for the afternoon I may have turkey twice today!!! WOOHOO!!! Oh yeah....nothing like NaCl on the S-O-R-E!!!! hashahahahahhahahahaa!!!!!

But sushi or Burrito Boyz does sound pretty good!!

m - Oh the NaCl! It BURNS!!! I wonder if I could eat it… Damn you and your turkey. Damn Rob-u and his sushi boat. DAMMIT ALL!!! I think I shall have to buy myself something pretty before coming back to work!

I don't usually post at work, but I wanted to make sure you had something to read. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phew! Good thing you did too. I was just about to eat myself into a coma. - Boo