Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Thank goodness I'm vain

I approached the waist-high sinks in the ladies rooms after using the facilities.  While washing my hands, I checked out my hair and shirt to make sure I was presentable.  While I dried my hands, I stepped back for a more full-length review of myself.


My skirt was tucked up awkwardly into itself in the back, providing anyone following me with a free show.  Thank god I was in the ladies room.  Alone.  Whew.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Confession of a food-a-holic

Last night I made a conscious effort to prepare myself a healthy lunch in order not only to save myself the lunch money, but to also try to gain a few points towards my health.  That lunch is still sitting in the fridge as I type this.

Things I stuffed into my pie-hole today instead of my lunch:
  • a banana (intended as my healthy breakfast)
  • a sausage roll - ground sausage baked greasily and deliciously into a flaky pastry. And a whole one...everyone else was kind enough to only help themselves to half of one except for me
  • 4 timbits - I started with just one, but then other people came and I couldn't let them eat alone...
  • a slice of surprise pizza - surprise because I have no idea what type it was, one slice because there weren't any extras
Not surprisingly, I'm not yet hungry for that healthy salad that's still in the fridge...