Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Spontaneously Combusting Right...NOW

Um, I feel like I want to change the look of my blog...right NOW, so if I lose anything I will just simply deem this an "exciting leap of faith and just as exciting learning experience." Ah! Here we go...
Yesterday was a Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

(10 points to anyone else who knows where that title is from...and no, I'm not writing about my bitch of a cousin...yet)

As many of you know, yesterday was a beautiful day out. The sun was shining, the snow (what's left of it) was melting, and it was seasonally warm out too. My day started out great. I woke up for the second time that day, ON TIME for my quiz in my first class, with enough time to put on my new *bling* (thanks, mom), and of course, the weather was a welcome bonus. I put on my headphones and my boots and headed out the door to the bus stop.

On my way there, I notice one bus drive by. Usually this would distress me since the buses there take FOREVER to come, but since this was still a great day another one was fast on the first's heels and I was whisked away to school, still on time for my class, not to mention the fact that as I was crossing the street to the stop, a guy managed to stick his head out the window of his car and cat-call at me as he whizzed by--I still got it.

When I reached the campus, I got off the bus and headed towards the building my first class was in. I enjoyed the sunshine up until I got up to the front walkway of the building. Now, there's been some construction going on at my school for sometime, so I knew as well as any other student that there at the front step was this patch of perpetual mud flowing from the construction site. However, not a much problem, I only had to take a few steps detour to avoid it, just as myself or any other student has done on any other day. So, I'm taking these few steps, along with some random girl beside me, and we both hop up onto the known safe spot on the curb away from the mud.

Or so we thought.

Turns out the usual safe spot became an addition to the mud flow and was an ankle deep puddle of mud on this otherwise beautiful day. Ugh. I felt a little worse for the girl next to me as she was wearing runners and I was wearing my boots. However, that didn't stop me from being grossed out that I had brown goo on my boots, enough to meet the bottom hem of my jeans, not counting the spatter that went halfway up to my knees. Blech. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to stop to attempt to clean off my boots if I still wanted to be on time for my quiz, so off I went towards my class, leaving a muddy trail of footprints all the way.

The prof was just handing out the quizzes as I slid into my seat next to my friend, RJ. In response to his puzzled look as to why I seemed so flustered, I told him I was having a bad day.

"Because I stepped in mud and now my boots are filthy."
*glances down at my shoes* "They don't look that bad."
"RJ, these are black, leather boots."
*gasps* "Oh my God I thought they were brown suede."

Ick. Can you imagine? And RJ just had successful laser-eye surgery so he could see properly--and he saw brown suede.

Anyway, I did my best to chisel off the mud afterwards and at worst I looked like I was wearing Shmelly's steel-toe work boots rather than my own. After class Shmelly actually picked me up and we headed to his place, me complaining about my awful day the whole way. When we got to his house, his mom told us to eat the food on the counter which I was all for. I took of my boots and rolled up the muddy hems of my pants, thankful to be inside where nothing else could happen to my shoes.

I padded into the kitchen--with my pants rolled to show off my socks as though I was expecting a flood--and put together some comfort-food to soften the effects of my day. Having heaped my plate high, I walked over to the microwave...and into a puddle of water. ARGH!!!

Apparently the fridge was leaking and Shmelly's mom had neglected to mention any warning. I decided my socks couldn't get any wetter so I popped my food into the microwave and nuked it while I went to dry my feet. Having taken my socks off (now I REALLY looked ready for a flood) and dried my feet, I grumbled all the way back to the beeping microwave where I promptly stepped in the puddle again because in my angst I'd forgotten all about it. ARGH!!!

At least this time my socks didn't get wet. And at least I was still right when I'd speculated that nothing else could happen to my shoes. I finally managed to eat my food after I dried up that puddle myself. When it was time to head home, I looked as bad as I felt. I was going home wearing my boots undone and muddy without any socks and with my pants rolled up halfway to my knees. Sexy.

As consolation, I remind myself now that my day STARTED OFF great, and ENDED off so as when I got home I was met with a bunch of boos with whom I shared cookies, ice cream and tons of other sweetnesses. Over all, I guess it turned out to be a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Not So Bad Day.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Somebody's been eating MY yogurt!

I came down to the kitchen this morning with a specific craving for the granola in the cupboard sprinkled over the strawberry yogurt in the fridge. It was all fine and good until I opened the fridge door with the box of granola in my hand, only to find that someone had eaten ALL of the yogurt. Phooey. I hate it when that happens.

I'm basically content with living at home with the 'rents since I've got all that I need here and I can come and go as I please...pretty much the same as living away. The only down side to this all (in my head RIGHT now as it stands) is incidents such as these where I'm all gung-ho about what to eat for lunch, only to discover a moment later that my plans have been thwarted by some other cravingly hungry body living in the house. I mean, it's no big deal, but when you get excited over food like I do, it can be kind of disappointing.

If I had a fridge all to myself, it'd probably be stocked with all of the most basic things, mostly because it's the basics that are my favourite to eat. Sandwich stuff, salad stuff, smoothie stuff, pasta stuff. Oh, and baking stuff. But other than that, it's all I'd have in there.

Actually, specifically, I'm heading out now (well, after my shower) to go out to buy the following with which to stock my communal fridge:
- smoked salmon
- sour cream
- bananas
- strawberries
- blueberries
- yogurt
and whatever else may be on sale. However, knowing my luck, if I don't get to eating all of this immediately, it'll all be gone by the time I get back from class (yes, I DO have class today) later tonight. Ah well, I suppose it's the price I must pay for free room and board. Must go. Tummy rumbling. Will briefly mention my bitch of a distant cousin later...unless you're lucky enough that I forget.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Time Flies

So, after finishing the second half of Tess of the D'Urbervilles, the first half of The Pickup, and The Hound of the Baskervilles in its entirety (all in a single day), I decided that I had earned the right to take a peek at Angel & Demons. So I did. What started as a peek turned into a few chapter stretch, which turned into half-novel perusal, and finally culminated the whole novel's completion in WAY under 24 hours. *sigh* Good isht. Good isht.

Actually, I just did the quick estimated addition in my head and wouldn't you know it, I read about 1200 pages in just 2 days. Twelve-hundred pages. Too bad I couldn't do that during exam time. But it was all worth it. Next marathon read: Deception Point. Hopefully one day soon.

Friday, March 18, 2005

It's still reading, right?

Take it away! I'm so in trouble. Señorita just brought over a copy of Dan Brown's Angels & Demons for me. Upon first inspection, it looks a lot shorter than my illustrated copy of The DaVinci Code and that only took me about 2 days to get through, and I DO have the weekend here...but it's too risky. I have a HOARDE of other things I have to get through first. I think the best bet would be to give the book to Shmelly so that he can hide it on me until I've got all my important reading out of the way. But then Shmelly won't get here for another few hours since he's got errands to run and people to see...maybe a few hours of personal reading won't hurt...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Save your time; this one's boring

People with bad grammar should not be allow to have blogs. If I want to read about their lives in grade 3 writing level, I will translate it with that Gizoogle web page from a few posts back. What's worse is when this poor grammar makes it to the written page. *shudder* Shmelly got a belated birthday card written that way, with "contractions" such as "u" for "you," and "v.good" for "very good." I almost couldn't read it. But I did...just to be nosy. :)

Guess who went to WORK on Sunday? Yup, yours truly. I got so excited about the prospect of actually MAKING some money in tips that right after work I promptly went out and spent all that I made on useless Shmelly. Just kidding. But I did go out and spend a bunch on stuff I actually didn't need. But hey, at least I finally went to WORK. And guess what? I'm going to do it all again next week too!

Alright, that's it. I didn't really have anything to say to begin with, but I had felt like typing in hopes that I'd stumble upon a great idea...but as you can see, I didn't. Sorry to have wasted your time if you made it this far...but you can't say I didn't warn you.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Quote of the Moment:

"I wish we could [go on like this for ever]. That it would always be summer and autumn, and you always courting me, and always thinking as much of me as you have done through the past summertime!"
    --Tess Durbeyfield, from Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Ah, the seasonal romance.

And, although I don't know the exact quote, I congratulate Jon Stewart of The Daily Show for pointing out that George W. Bush should not be interferring with international matters in Lebanon--especially not when Dub-yuh insists on calling it "LebaLebanon." Go Jon Stewart!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

"Now in this game, Colin, you go around asking everyone what their gender is, but you don't believe them and insist on checking yourself."

I wonder what it's like to be typecast as a hermaphrodite? How does that feel to know that casting directors take one look at you and decide that your physical appearance as well as your general nuances are just so that they cast you to play the sexually ambiguous character all the time? To know that you are neither a manly woman nor a womanly man but instead, something exactly in between? Do you go home feeling proud enough to brag to others that YOU won the role because you didn't look decidely enough like anything? I suppose it could be a positive trait as your wardrobe options would immediatly double and there would never be the issue of getting caught walking into the wrong public bathroom.

Regardless of my stupid ramblings, I really DO wonder what sort of effect this sort of accomplishment would have on a person--man, woman, or actual hermaphrodite. What raised my curiosity? The actor in Constantine who played Gabriel; Tilda Swinton. She also played Orlando in some crappy video rendition, but in both roles I have now seen her in, she was the ambiguously oriented character. I personally think her masculine role as an archangel made her HOT, but that's just my (possibly lesbian, though not necessarily so) opinion of her acting.

By the way, in case you're wondering where the title came from, it was borrowed (and most certainly butchered) from Who's Line is it Anyway. They were all playing House Party (I think that's what that is) and that's what Colin's role was. I remember this as one of the episodes that cracked me up the worst because in Colin's quest for gender verification, he managed to cup Ryan with the most precise timing any ad-lib comedian could have asked for. It still makes me ROTFL just to think about it...

Monday, March 07, 2005

Oh Shizzle

Oh shit. This was FUNNY. I randomly stumbled across this site from someone else's random blog today as I was procrastinating my departure to school. First read a post from my site. Then read a post from my site by clicking here. This site would save people like Pablo a lot of time while writing their posts. Tell me it's not funny. If anything, scroll down and read the part where I tell you about that kid, Spoon, smacking my ass. This was worth the lateness to starting my school day.

Friday, March 04, 2005


That word itself seems very random, doesn't it? I enjoy it. Having dedicated 4 years and $20 000 to the study of English, I feel I am entitled to create new words as I see fit. So there. "Randominity" is my word for the moment.

My plan of being an insomniac in order to battle my insomnia failed. I made it until 6am this morning when I fell in to a semi-conscious stupor. I could sort of see and feel when Shmelly kissed me on the head on his way to work, but I was too incapacitated to even grunt a sort of reply. That's okay though. He knows I'm good for it.

When I finally woke up today, dad and Shmelly both burst through the door, minutes apart from each other as they'd both had early days off work. I think that as pleased as I was to see the two of them home already, I think they were more pleased to be in each other's presense at that time of day--then meeting during the day can only mean one thing: All-Day-Breakfast! Those two men can eat! We went to the Phillipino restaurant out at the corner (they DO serve all-day-breakfast there though they didn't order it) and halfway through our meal, I became aware of someone staring at us. It turned out to be Momma from work. She came over to give us all some love and then told me how much she missed me at work before she proceeded to order the whole store to take home to her hungry grandchildren at home. Having not worked in about a month now, I miss her. I can't exactly say with any sincerity that I miss work, but I do miss the people like her AT work.

Typing's been shitty cuz I've got a bandaid on my right index finger. Not only has my typing been impeded, but my nose picking as well. It sucks. Trust me.

Just ate a pure bachelorette meal. No one was home, but there was some leftover spaghetti (just the pasta) from my pasta craving the other night, so I had that with a can of barely-diluted cream of mushroom soup as a sauce. Yum. I was going to eat it right out of the pot, but then realized that if caught, my mother would throw a fit. I don't know what's the big deal? I'm just lessening the number of dishes to be washed later.

Figures, just after devouring my sad excuse for a meal, my dad calls and invites me out to dinner with him and mom. They're having periwinkles. Double Yum. They promised to bring me home some...

I finally decided that the guys night tonight will remain just a guys night. But that means this is the first night in a LONG time that I will be on my own separate agenda from Shmelly. weiiiiird. I don't know that I'll be able to sleep tonight. :p

At Shmelly's earlier, his friend was over with his son, Spoon. Just as we were all at the door waiting for Shmelly to get ready to leave, Spoon ran by and gave my ass a good smack when he passed. I jumped and yelled out of surprise, and then jokingly accused Spoon's dad of teaching him by example to do that to women.

Spoon's dad - "I would NEVER teach Spoon to do anything like that!"
Spoon - "But dad, you do it to mommy all the time!"


I very much enjoy the song "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles. The echo part of the song very much tickles my funny bone. It just makes it feel like so much fun! We SHOULD all live in yellow submarines.

And now I am off. I'm going to pick up some of the other boos and we're all going to meet SimpleDimple's new boyfriend for interrogation. She says Yoshi COULD be THE ONE, so this is important...especially since he's heading back to Japan on Monday. woooooo! The excitement and anticipation is killing me! It's always exciting when you come into contact with affairs of the heart....awwww...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

One of Dem Days

Due to my extreme bout of insomnia last night I missed my first class yet AGAIN this morning. I swear this time I WANTED to be there--I'd read the pretty much the entire book already!

I learned last night (on another blog) that by simply hitting the Escape key I can delete pieces of my post in massive chunks if not the entire thing at once. Pissed me right off--I actually felt I was being coherent for the first time in a long time. Spent another hour trying to get it all back, but to no avail (ironic: Christina Aguilera's song "Impossible" is serenading me right now).

This morning after deciding to have lunch before heading out to my second class, I managed to cook enough pasta from an army, instead of the single serving I'd settled on. AND, it's not even that good--something went wrong along the way. Really, it IS one of those days when I manage to screw up the process of boiling water...

Knowing that my trek to school ahead is going to have to include my dragging my duffel bag along with me for practice later is really acting as a GREAT deterant from me making my SECOND class as well. Hell, maybe I should just skip practice too since I didn't have enough time to shave my legs today...don't want to freak out anyone on the court, you know.


My ingenious plan to rid myself of this shitty sleeping disorientation is to give in to the insomnia...and then give it some more. Not only do I plan not to sleep tonight, but tomorrow night as well so that by the time Saturday rolls around, I will have no choice but to fall flat on my face to sleep at the proper hours. Of course that will leave me dazed and confused from my semi-final game for U of T Tri-Campus on Saturday afternoon, but whatever, right?

The boys want to take Shmelly out on an overnight this Friday for his belated birthday weekend, but he wants me to tag along. As inseperable as I am from him, I LOATHE being the girlfriend in attendance at an all boy event. Girls who do that seem so...something-not-nice. It's a GUY thing this weekend. I am a GIRL. It just shouldn't be. As adamant as I've been about this fact, he's convinced me to agree to "see what the guys say" since he apparently REALLY wants me to go. He says that at worst, RoadTo and I will stand to the side keeping each other company by checking out chicks together. As hot as some chicks can be, I told him I was slightly opposed to this idea as RoadTo and I would just most likely end up fighting over the same girl. However, good to my promise, "we'll see". Now for the more pertinent "we'll see"--"we'll see" now if I actually get to class...
Yes, He Deserves A Hero Cookie

Venting about Shmelly being such a shmelly in my last post reminds me of an experience that I meant to post about oh so long ago and that Hero Cookie Man himself once requested of me...and so, here it is...

Once upon a time, not oh-so long ago (actually, while Hero Cookie Man came back from England to visit over the Christmas holidays), Shmelly and Hero Cookie decided to take a trip to the local casino of Port Perry before Hero Cookie had to head back to the other side of the world. I, of course, tagged along for the late night adventure out east and oh what an adventure it turned out to be.

The boys decided to head out fairly late that night after we'd sat around at my place, vegging in front of the boob-tube for a few hours. Whether it was the absense of traffic, the excited chatter in the car, the stars above, or the fact that we were cruisin' in Hero Cookie's mom's Beamer, the hour long drive passed by quickly and we were soon weaving the parking lot aisles, looking for a space. After parking, the three of us strode through the sliding door entrance and into the casino...almost.

With Hero Cookie and I looking deceivingly younger than our ages, the security guards consulted each other, and then stopped us at the door.

"IDs please."

No problem. HC and I enthusiastically reached for our wallets while Shmelly stood by and joked.

"I don't have any ID."

Haha. HC and I giggled and shook our heads at Shmelly's antics. But he persisted with his foolery.

"No, really, I don't have any ID."

Haha...HC and I giggled once more until we realized he was serious.

"You've got to be kidding..."
"You're serious?!"

Yes, he was serious and despite his earnest pleas, the security guards were not going to let him in, regardless of the fact that both HC and I were more than of legal age and Shmelly looked (and was) years older than us. Dejectedly, we dragged our feet--and Shmelly's ass--back out the way we came.

As we walked to the car, as we got into the car, and as we headed away from the casino, Shmelly tried to convince us that if we let him change his shirt and hat and let him walk back in by himself, the security guards would be none the wiser, see him for his true age, and let him walk right in with us to follow soon on his heels. Unfortunately, his scheme didn't quite gel with us and we didn't allow him the chance; for some reason, we gave the security guards a little more credit than that.

As sort of an immediate consolation for having ridden in the back of a beautiful Beamer for an hour for no apparent reason, I got to listen to Hero Cookie ream on Shmelly for the ride homeward. His amusingly frustrated rant included words such as "dumb-ass", "idiot", "retard", and "stupid", as well as the phrases "I can't believe you", "you're such as Shmelly", and of course "if you wanted a hero cookie, you could have just asked." The insults were incessant (Hero Cookie's good, what can I say?) until Shmelly finally struck on an even more ingenious scheme than the one before.

"I bet that if we drive to Rama right now, I could walk in there without needing an ID at all and we'll still get to spend the night at a casino."

Suddenly, after that suggestion, the insults ceased. HC considered it for a long time. It was so shmelly-stupid, it had to work; he had set out that night to gamble, afterall, and the drive to Rama (on an EMPTY gas tank, mind you) just to SEE if Shmelly could get in would be the ultimate gamble of the night. Our west-bound car was wrenched north-bound and away we went.

Yet another hour spent in the car again quickly passed by, this time speeded by the out-loud plotting of HC, thinking of the things by which he could get revenge on Shmelly for his stupidness that night. As sorry as I felt for Shmelly as he received HC's wrath, I have to admit he deserved...he knew it too. That and it was funny. Not too long after having sought out a gas-station in the nick of time, we arrived in the parking lot of Casino Rama.

This time, HC and I stayed in the car while Shmelly walked in through the sliding doors alone to see if his plan would indeed work. As much as I wanted him to get in without getting carded so that we could actually DO something that night, I also in part wanted him to be rejected once more...firstly, to teach him a lesson for leaving behind his ID when he knew we were heading to a place they LOVE to check ages for admittance, and secondly, because the beating from HC that he would get upon returning to the car would be priceless. A minute passed after he disappeared behind those darkened doors...then two... Amazingly, a moment later we actually got the cell-phone signal that he'd made it and that it was safe to park and follow him in.

"I can't believe that actually worked. I can't believe the bastard got in!"

And so HC turned off the car--he had refused to wait in the cold, especially if he was just going to have to start driving again after a rejection--and he and I joined the shmelly Shmelly in the casino, finally, for a night of fun and games.

The biggest gamble of the night turned out to be the biggest winner afterall. Not only did we make to Rama with the gas light on, but we actually got in to play, despite Shmelly not being able to prove that he was actually allowed to be in there. In conclusion, Shmelly can be such a shmelly and due to this fact, Hero Cookie is more than welcome to make fun of him for the rest of his life about our adventure that night... ;)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


That was the best I could do yesterday when it came to making sense in organized writing. I went into my midterm fairly blindly yesterday and managed to stare first at the exam question and then the exam booklet blankly for the first 10 minutes. After that, I managed to cross out my first three attempts to write anything inside the booklet; that's not to mention that I'd already written my course code in the DATE line on the front of the booklet...after JUST having written the course code on the line above.

Needless to say, I managed to write SOME stuff down, pertaining to the essay question (I hope) and scooted out of there, 5 minutes to the end in order to get a teeny headstart on my next assignment, due in my second class of that day. After grabbing a bite to eat and a much desired Tim's coffee, I read the article and then pulled over some paper on which to write my response.


Once again, those damn words evaded me. I started my assignment over twice before I actually started to sound coherent. There were probably some gaps in my argument, but I couldn't be bothered to go back to patch them up. Meh. It's done and handed in, out of my control. That's all that matters to me at this point.

* Bluh is the only sound that Nitz can make when Kimmy comes around to say hi. If you know what I mean, great. If you don't...too bad. :)


Shmelly can be so...shmelly sometimes.

This past weekend was Shmelly's birthday weekend. Knowing he was tried of planning parties and events for himself, I decided that I was going to do it for him. So I did. Well, I tried. Shmelly, being who and what he is, ruined it ALL!

On Friday, he was just going to have a quiet family dinner and then spend the rest of the night probably quietly sitting at home. So for Friday, I planned to take him out after dinner on a birthday sort of surprise date night; watch a movie, get some dessert, maybe take two of his friends who were might've been at dinner anyway.

On Saturday, he had a volleyball tournament and afterwards was going to a club to meet up with others for both his birthday and theirs. I decided NOT to plan anything for that day.

On Sunday, I had Squiggly tell Shmelly that he was going to take him to the Auto Show and to meet him downtown that day at noon. What was REALLY happening was I was taking Shmelly to the Raptors game and just needed Squig's help with an excuse to get Shmelly downtown. And then I had planned that after the game, we'd go to the new Jack Astor's restaurant down there where I would have already assembled all of his friends to meet us there to surprise him.

Action packed weekend, right? Well, let's see what ACTUALLY happened...

Friday. Dinner plans with his family were cancelled and rather than just keeping dinner quiet with the two of us and two of his friends, Shmelly called ALL of his friends and had them meet us at dinner. So much for my "quiet planning." However, I wasn't mad or anything. Dinner was fun and a bunch of us went out to sing karaoke afterwards until we drank and sang ourselves hoarse.

Saturday. Everything actually went off without a hitch...except that Shmelly's team came in second instead of team lost completely. Shmelly slept the entire time from leaving volleyball until we got to the club...and then passed right back out again afterwards.

Sunday. Remember how I'd arranged to have everyone meet us to surprise Shmelly after the game? Now remember that family dinner on Friday was cancelled. So, guess what happened? Dinner was rescheduled to Sunday evening at 5pm. *sigh* I had to cancel on everyone after twisting them around their schedules. Ah well. At least I still had the Raptors with which to surprise him, right? Haha...

So, we're on the TTC, heading down to Union Station because from Union Station you can either turn west and go to the Auto Show at the Metro Convention Centre, or turn east and head to the Raptors game at the ACC. When we got up to the surface, I handed a card to Shmelly and as he read it, I began leading him in the direction of the ACC. The card went something like this:
Surprise! Happy Birthday! I hope you're not going to be upset, but I have a confession to make. There is no Squiggly waiting for us at Union Station. In fact, there were never any Auto Show tickets either. It was just an elaborate plan to get you downtown for one last surprise. Please don't be mad at myself or Squiggly for having conspired to deceive you--I hope this surprise makes up for it. Happy Birthday!
So after he finished reading, I handed him the tickets. Unfortunately he didn't look too happy about it all. As sort of rejected I felt, I continued to lead him onto the ACC to take our not so surprising seats...or so I thought...

Shmelly: Uh, hun, why are we heading to the ACC? Isn't the car show the other way?
Me: Uh, hun, did you actually LOOK at the tickets I just handed you?
Shmelly: No, why? *looks at tickets closely* Oh, OH!!! Oh cool! Yay!
Me: Stupid.

Thank god he just hadn't read the tickets yet. Asking about it afterward, he had thought that we were still going to the Auto Show, but he thought I'd planned it to be just the two of us...yeah, great surprise. Turns out he was thrilled and surprised afterall. So, both of us together and happily took our seats (which, as kind as he was to point out, were the farthest seats he'd ever sat in before to watch the game from...the killjoy) to watch the steel drummers play the national anthem, the Chinese acrobat kick bowls onto her head from a top a 15 foot unicycle, and the Raptors BEAT the Lakers while earning us a free slice of pizza at the same time.

Happy Birthday, Shmelly--and thanks for ruining it all. ;)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Let It Snow...PLEASE Let It Snow

Remember how I mentioned that I felt sorry for my first class of any day? Yeah, well, my abstinence found a way to bite me in the thwaist. I just discovered, upon an accidental reading of my syllabus, that I have a mid-term TOMORROW.

March 1: Midterm. 1.5 hours in length. 30%

Sheit. Have you ever noticed how Victorian Novels are NEVER short? These three average about 600 pages each...on the low end of the estimate...AND there are 3 of them. *groan* Yet of course, here I am, not studying but instead blogging. And I've already decided that the events of the rest of my night will consist of taking a shower, complaining to TK on MSN about mid-terms (his is at 9am), brewing about 6 cups of coffee, and keeping a constant vigil by the UTSC website in hopes for a snow cancellation of classes for tomorrow to appear. It's still snowing outside--it could happen.