Thursday, December 30, 2004

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Santa's My Sugar Daddy

Phone = hoTT. Shmelly = Santa. Nuff said.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

What's That Smell?

Note to self: Do NOT do Christmas shopping online while cookies are in the oven.

As you can see my kitchen has turned into somewhat of a cookie factory. These ones are all fine and dandy, but there are about a dozen fewer than there should be. I admit that even some of the ones in the picture are a little toastier than they could be, but that's okay, you're not getting any anyway... ;)

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Hell's GOT To Be Frozen By Now

I know I do. Today was just THAT cold (apologizes for the pixelated picture...Dad's hidden the scanner's power cord and I had to improvise). If I had to set foot outside, I RAN from point A to B, barely stopping for traffic. I had all my skin covered except parts of my face--which consequently nearly froze off--and STILL it was mighty cold out. And to think, this is just the start. Yay! Winter's if we could just get it to snow...

Friday, December 17, 2004


As my night drew to a close, there appeared two voids in my livelihood that manifested themselves in manner more than just emotional.

That's what I call pathetic fallacy just rubbing it in.

You're irreplaceable

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

All I Want For Christmas

There are ornaments slowly spinning in the soft lights of my Christmas tree as I sit here on my couch and watch massive clusters of snowflakes float down from the clouds above through my big bay window. Music serenades me from my computer and multitudes of blankets keep me warm and cozy. Having just finished writing my second exam and with nearly a week until my next, I've been able to read, write and knit and other unstressful things--and yet with all this relaxing "me" time, all I want to do is spend time with you. It's not that I don't like getting time to myself, it's that I don't take well to second place.
Smells Like Christmas Spirit

On Sunday night, Boo and Gennie-Boo crashed my house and helped Shmelly and I decorate the house with Christmas spirit--basically, whatever didn't go on the tree went in the windowsills and fun was had by all.

Anyway, because of the decorating help from Boo and her boo, my tree now has a little more spirit. You know how Santa comes around and as he puts presents under the tree, he exclaims his trademark "Ho Ho Ho" before leaving? Well, this year while he's under my tree, he'll have a few more "Ho"s to go around. Reason being? Take a look for yourself:

Merry Christmas, Santa! And oh, if you have some free time, come to INSIDE this Friday to pick up those Hos...;)

Speaking of places to go this Christmas, I have my own personal list of things to do and places to see over the Christmas holidays that I know I won't get to due to bad scheduling or lack of company. However, with high hopes, I want to:
    - go skating and get an overly sweet hot chocolate at Nathan Phillips Square
    - visit Casa Loma and see all their BEAUTIFUL (and incredibly romantic) Christmas decorations
    - take a walk down the main street of Niagara-on-the-Lake
    - see the Falls with its backdrop of lights and frozen trees
    - go tobogganing with my little cousins
    - build a snowman
    - have a coffee at Starbucks on Main Street Unionville as the snow's falling anew
So much to little time. Why am I ever surprised?

Friday, December 10, 2004


First final in T-Minus 16.5 hours. It's "The Victorian Novel"--3300 pages of reading for a single term, 40 pages a day, everyday for 12 weeks. Seeing as I probably read 1/2 of all the required reading, I have a bit of catching up to do before tomorrow. I used to think I was the fastest reader around; that no amount of reading could be too much for me to accomplish, no matter what the dead-line was. Ah, how university opened my eyes. Thank goodness for my awesomely detailed note-taking and for on-line study guides. Yay, the easy way out.

Don't those "I love you/No, I love you more" fights between couples make you sick? Ugh, I know. What was I thinking? ;) Yay, making people sick.

On my way to study, I got to have a hit-and-run coffee with Boobin and Squiggly. As much as I love those guys, I think it's unfair that there's two of them, and only one of me, and that we must fight over one man. Yay, guy on guy on guy gold medal action.

I've just learned to knit and have been knitting Boobin a scarf. I decided earlier tonight that my first attempt wasn't good enough for him and mom was nice enough to help me start again. She was about to give the started scarf back to me just now, but when she learned I had an exam tomorrow, she hightailed it back upstairs to her room with my yarn and knitting needles. She knows me and my procrastination tendancies too well. Yay, mother's intuition.

In the midst of typing this post, I heard a strange thump outside my side door. At first I thought it might have been Shmelly coming by for surprise visit after poker but then there was more thumping so I decided to see what the heck was going on. Turns out that those marvelously crafted Green Bins from the city are not as animal-proof as they initially designed them to be; there was a raccoon on my doorstep, digging into yesterday's leftovers.

My first attempt to deter him from his late-night snack was to bang on the window at him. I got his attention, but then he just looked up at me with those big dark eyes and tried to distract me with his cutest stare while he slowly dragged some scraps closer to him. I opened and closed the door a few times, hoping he'd fall for my bluff without my actually having to go out and chase him off, but instead of leaving, his friend came along instead. Great.

With all the thumping and door slamming, mom came down just in time to see me don my winter coat and dad's snow boots. Catching on to my intention of going outside, she armed me with a broom and off I went as she cheered me on through the window. Needless to say, my ridiculous armor scared the two bandits off and I managed to clean up their meal with a handy shovel before repositioning the Green Bin (damn that thing) into a less accessible posture and heading back inside to continue with my studying blogging. Yay, adventure of the night.

Now I'm hungry. Yay, procrastination via refrigerator searching.
Song of the Moment: "Insatiable" - Darren Hayes

When moonlight crawls along the street
chasing away the summer heat
Footsteps outside somewhere below
the world revolves I let it go
We build our church above the street
we practice love between these sheets
The candy sweetness scent of you
it bathes my skin I'm stained in you

And all I have to you is hold you
there's a racing within my heart
And I am barely touching you

Turn the lights down low
take it off let me show you
My love for you--insatiable
Turn me on never stop
want to taste every drop
My love for you--insatiable

The moonlight plays upon your skin
a kiss that lingers takes me in
I fall asleep inside of you
there are no words there's only truth
Breathe in breathe out there is no sound
we move together up and down
We levitate our bodies soar
our feet don't even touch the floor

But nobody knows you like I do
'cause the world they don't understand
That I grow stronger in your hands

We never sleep we're always holding hands
kissing for hours talking and making plans
I feel like a better man just being in the same room
We never sleep there's just so much to do
so much to say can't close my eyes when I'm with you
Insatiable--the way I'm loving you


This is romance. This is what love should be like. I would melt if I knew this was how my man thought and felt about me and about us; wouldn't any girl?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I Don't Wanna

The worst feeling to experience while in a relationship is not sadness or anger, it's loneliness.

Watching it softly snow for hours yesterday at work, I noticed the construction guy across the street at the ROM directing the dump-trucks while wearing a Santa hat over his hard-hat. I like such people.

My first final is on Friday. With this in mind you'll probably get many more posts by me before then.

I'm tired. I bought a coffee from Tim's and it's just sitting on my kitchen counter, less than 10 steps away from me, but I'm too tired to get up and get it.

I crocheted Boobin a scarf because his sucked. I also crocheted someone else a scarf, but we won't mention who that someone else is just yet. It'll hopefully be a welcome surprise.

Makes me melt: slow-dancing for no reason in a random place, public or private, as though there's no one else in the world except for the one in your arms.

I don't like being tired--it makes me cranky. I don't like being cranky--it makes me feel bad.

I need to read a bit before I write I shall return...if I don't fall asleep first.

Me - Today, while I was on my way home from work, on the phone making plans to go out and eat, mom cooked dinner and then got mad at me for not knowing that she had intended for the family to eat all together. I must've forgotten to turn on my ESP tonight.

Bro - but it's tuesday!

Bro - your ESP should ALWAYS be on on tuesday

Friday, December 03, 2004

No More Essays, No More Books...

No more...wait a sec...there are still books cuz there are still Well, at least that's just 10 billion less things to worry about. Damn essays. And Exams. Damn exams.

Can someone explain to me why over a week's worth of writing time, I managed to complete only 3/4 of one essay, but yet when crunch-time came up today, I finished that one essay and wrote an entire other essay (and it was WELL written, I might add) in just under 2.5 hours? I don't get it. There's just something about that last minute rush that just gets the job done everytime. Why can't I bottle some of that rush up and use it for my future essays?

Perhaps I was distracted from essay writing last night because instead I was feeling a little sleighted by a hand of cards. But that could just be me. Today I felt as though I was rolled over on by the unconscious body of a nap caused by last night's sleight of hand. But again, that could just be me.

On a lighter note, Christmas is coming! This is my favourite holiday of the year because of all the joy, warm-heartedness and festivities that go on all at once. Decorating the tree, cooking the turkeys, eating the turkeys, seeing all the loved ones, listening to Christmas's all so heart-warming, don't you think? My favourite part of this all is--believe it or not--the shopping and wrapping of all the gifts I give out! I don't know why, but there's just such a feeling of accomplishment that accompanies sticking on little bows and crossing a name off the list of things to buy. That and I LOVE giving surprises! I'm really bad at keeping them, but I love to give them!

I really hope that we have a white Christmas this year. We've really been lacking in snowfall over the past few years; at least that's what my memory tells me. Christmas just isn't the same if there isn't any snow. For that reason, I could never spend a Christmas in a tropical place--Santa in shorts? I think not. In my mind, there is no such thing as a green Christmas.

Things That Make Me (Extra) Mushy At Christmastime:
  • presents under the tree
  • cuddling by a lit fireplace
  • watching the snowfall from a big window at night
  • see the loved ones at dinnertime
  • kids coming to sit on my lap to show me their Christmas loot
  • a lit Christmas tree in a dark room
  • giving gifts and watching the recipient open it
  • taking a walk at night while the snow's falling and the houses are lit up
  • staying up late the night before with good company to finish last-minute details (wrapping extra presents, baking extra cookies, writing the last few cards)
  • watching Christmas festivities all come together
Doesn't take much to get me going, does it? It's just the season that does it to me. Yay Christmas!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Essays? But I'm In Holiday Mode!

Rather than just FINISHING the last essays of the year so that I can just get them out of the way, I've spent the last hour replying to a Boobie-Christmas Questionnaire that I will now share most of with you...

How've you been lately? Tired. Too many exams and essays all at once...but excited for the holidays!
What are you doing after the holidays? Going back to school in jan for hopefully my LAST SEMESTER!!! and then possibly off to CUBA with Señorita
Where do you currently live? I'm still here with mom and dad where you guys last left me...unlike SOME boo I know...
Newest favourite movie? The INCREDIBLES!!!
Most recently coveted DVD? Love Actually, The Terminal, Shrek 2
Most recently coveted CD? Kristine Sa's REBIRTH, K-os
Favourite TV shows? CSI (all of the series), FRIENDS, The Simpsons
Anyone new in your life we should know about and be prepared to interrogate? The new beau's Shmelly...though most of you've met him (it's been 5.5 months by now) and I know Ruhbin already LOVES him...(he's MINE, Boobin...I saw him first)
Are you working right now and if so, where and doing what? Regrettably, I'm still working at the Over Easy, apparently with Gennie-Boo (though i NEVER see him) and apparently as a waitress.
Generic gift that people ALWAYS get you at times like these and that you don't want anymore of? Empty picture frames, candles, bath-stuffs
Favourite sport? Duh...VOLLEYBALL!!!
Favourite sports team?, does my own count? (
Favourite number? 2--second's the best!
Favourite colours? Blue...and then I guess red, white, purple...
Favourite animals? Is Shmelly an animal? I dunno...tigers, pandas...
Boo that you've seen the least of over the past 6 months? I vaguely recall some girls named CPP and Lopez... ;)
Boo you've seen the most of over the past 6 months? Tough call...Squiggly, Boobin, or Boo.
Why don't we see each other more often? Wah! I blame it on...the rain?
Last book/thing you read? My essay outline...*groan* However "Mao II" was a good book
How many piercings do you have and where are they? 5--2 per lobe, and one cartilige piercing in my left ear. (Lou, it's been there for TWO years now!)
How do you get around town? TTC to work, drive the car or van around the city, and ride the TruckTruck when I'm special
Favourite drink? Non-alcoholic: Coffee, Bubble Tea, Halo-Halo Alcoholic: anything with Malibu, beer, anything without vodka
Favourite junk food? What time of the month is it? Ferrero Rocher, LAY'S Ketchup chips, nachos with salsa, french fries
Something new you tried to eat recently? Moroccan food, and Buffalo Butter wings...spicy!
Something new you tried to do recently? I went rock climbing not too long ago--we should all go! I also tried to do an essay BEFORE its due date...hahaha
Something new you need for your room? I need a good reading lamp for the floor...the one in bed just makes me go to sleep! Also, if someone knows where I could get me a maid...
What colour's your room? Electrifyingly blue! with a trim of white and then beech wood furniture.
How many other dinners are you attending over the holidays and whose are they? So far, I know of 2 family ones, 2 volleyball ones, 1 Boo one, and we'll see what else pops up.
Something YOU need to stay warm this winter? My own car would be nice. And maybe a new hat. And a cool pair of boots. I also need my mom to stop stealing ALL of my scarves--I have 20, yet she always takes the ones I want to wear.
What electronics do you think everyone needs to own? Computer/Laptop, TV/VCR/DVD, Stereo system, CD/MP3/Walkman, Cell Phone, StarTrek Transporter system, cordless phone, Dr. Ho Masseur, remote controls, a digital camera
How many of those electronics do YOU own? I do NOT have a Laptop or a transporter system (seeing as I'm ALWAYS late for class)
Are you going to INSIDE on December 17th? I will do my BEST to be there for Gennie-boo!!! Will you?
If Santa was your sugar daddy, what would you ask him for this year? A Beamer, laptop, my own Nike Store, and a StarTrek Transporter system
If Santa was a middle-income sort of guy, what would you ask him for? A Laptop, new volleyball court shoes, Kristine Sa's new album ;), and a new ring for my fat-finger.
If Santa was a broke-ass mofo, what would you ask him for? A white Christmas, Time, Happiness, and a night with my Boos