Thursday, April 22, 2004

Note to Self: Do NOT join in on 4-way conversations over MSN at 2am when you are SUPPOSED to be cramming for exams!

But it was SO worth it:
Los - mel call him davey,,,,he likes that
Me - sure, davey.
Los - haha
Dawson - know what i'm capable of los
Me - Davey, Dave, Dawson, I'm susceptible to jumping on the bandwagon
Dimps - davey's cute.
Los - hahaha....holy Dawson is mr aka. im los and davey is the sidekick
Dawson - los is holmes own theatre sidekick
Los - ur tom o's chum
Dawson - you're like that other guys assistant
Me - does that make you that other guy's ass.?

Dawson - have no funds
Dimps - you can blame that on me too mel since i'm fair game.
Dawson - blame it on thomas
Los - blame it on j mo
Dimps - blame it on the rain....
Dawson - no rain
Los - haha blame it on the rain!
Me - damn you rain!!!
Dimps - i'm working later than usual. fucking gap
Los - fucking gappy rain
Dimps - haha. fuck. fuck it all.

Me - I sent it to you guys, didn't i?
Dawson - i never got
Los - the malvern maroon protege! woohoo
Dawson - watch out now
Dimps - what's to watch?
Me - your mail boxes were probably too full...hold on...
Dimps - holdin...onto what?
Dawson - send it to my rogers:
Los - davey_s@hotmale.cum
Los - ewwwww

Me - *posts a picture of Los's blonde bangs from back in the day*
Dawson - i see it. i'm just taking it in
Dimps - taking it in??
Me - LoL
Dawson - i take that back
Dimps - what, do you need to memorize the way the soft golden tendrils frame his face?
Dawson - ok...if thats what you call them
Los - tendrils?
Me - tendrils--that was pretty good
Dimps - haha. whatever.
Dimps - just trying to be sarcastic...with you know, davey taking it in and all
Me - hehehe
Dimps - drinking it in. living it breathing it
Me - LoL ahhh!
Dimps - can't you feel it, he's in love.
Los - ewww i cant look at him when i eat now, hahaha
And we're supposed to all have lunch tomorrow (today). Thank goodness we started this conversation in order to arrange for a later lunch! I don't miss work, but I sure miss these guys.

T-minus 5 hours...

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