Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Jabbering Randomly For A Second Time

My furnace isn't working so it's freezing in my house. TK told me to go sit in the oven and turn it on. Brilliant, problem solved.

I've been writing a "relationship rant" based on my readings about my past relationships (and I'm talking YEARS ago) in my old diaries. Basically, it's about the guidelines I go by when dating someone, and some of the "rules" I have for myself. I haven't had time to spend on it due to my essay, but I've saved it for a rainy day and will post it sometime.

I had to drink my brew again. Blech. Even though mom brought me a lump of sugar with it this time, I swear the taste is getting worse and worse every time.

I have an overwhelming craving for sushi RIGHT NOW. I had a craving for a chocolate-chip cookie-dough and reese's pieces Blizzard earlier, but that's past now. Now it's all about the sushi.

20 pages due by Wednesday, and I'm on page 3. I see this as a positive thing as it's not quite just the night before yet and I've at least got it started.

I am very vague when it comes to people's identities on the internet. If I can help it, I won't mention real names at all, nor will I use pseudonyms that remotely resemble the individual's actual name. I did this initially to protect the identities of people from strangers online or to keep secret things secret. Now I do it more out of habit. If you can't figure out who you are in my posts, ask me. But then, if you can't figure out who you are, you probably aren't IN that post. :)

My gums still hurt from my dental check-up this morning. It was routine, sixth-month cleaning, but the hygenist that worked on myself and Brodder was resentful about the fact that though she wanted to be an oral surgeon, she only made hygenist--there was blood everywhere, I tell you. Both of us cringed and gripped the chair to keep from crying out as she stabbed blindly and profusely at our gums, and through all our pain, she had the audacity to casually mention that "Oh, your gums are bleeding." What did she think was going to happen after all that stabbing?!? Owwie.

My tummy hurts now and I'm convinced it was because of the poo brew I drank.

Though I plan on cutting my toes nails sometime later today, I do not plan on arranging them in a happy-face on Brooder's window sill. I plan to put them on his pillow.

Up to at least my fortieth cup of Tim's coffee and still nothing won yet.

Boo's hair may and may not be green tomorrow, which reminds me, I want to go swimming.

Talking to TK makes me hungry. Food, and then back to the essay.

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