Saturday, April 24, 2004

At It Again

Exam went well and lunch was definitely worth it on Thursday (there are pictures somewhere to prove it). By the time Dawson dropped me off at home after, I was rounding off my 24th hour of having been awake--it was showing in the fact that it took me two turns of the key before I realized I was turning it the wrong way and was locking myself out each time. By the time I got myself inside and into my room, I had about 30-45 minutes before I had to leave for tutoring. So did I take a nap? Of course not! I changed into scrubs and checked my email/blogsurfed for that time instead. I think I did get to pass out on my bed for about 5 mintues, but by then I had to get up and leave to tutor my kids.

The next five hours I tutored, which wouldn't have been so bad had one of my kids had had his socks on. Oh my god, his feet STANK! They reeked so badly that my little-more-than-whiny cousin who had been tutoring him that day sent him to sit with me (even though I was with another student already) while she ran upstairs to hide. She wouldn't come down until after he left and both the basement and stairway had been Lysol-ed thoroughly. I have to admit though, it was pretty bad. My other cousin had opened the window to try to vent the stench but that didn't help at all. And even though Stinky Feet was sitting at the table next to mine, I had a tough time not only concentrating, but deciding whether or not I would breathe through my nose and smell it or breathe through my mouth and taste it. Blech.

Anyway, to return from my digression...

After tutoring, I headed to meet Dimps at the theatre to screen Thirteen Going on Thirty with Boo and Boo. I still can't believe that movie got us girls to well up so much! It wasn't all that great of a movie (though it wasn't that bad of a movie either); it was probably because we were all tired--or really because we all knew and shared Jennifer's angst. By the time that was over, it was one o'clock in the AM and my 35th hour of being awake--but that didn't stop me. My computer-repair and maintenance guy came over to punch holes in my computer (as he called it) and I felt the need to stay up and keep him company--until 4am. Finally I crawled into bed with a book, and managed to read a short story before ultimately passing out cold.

For thirty-eight hours straight (besides my 5 minute crash) I was awake, and so for twelve hours straight, I was blissfully unconscious. So unconscious that I managed to miss 11 calls made to my cell-phone, a number more made to my house phone, and a house call made to my front door by Squiggly (or it could've been to the side--I wouldn't really know). I wish I hadn't needed to sleep that long. Sleep seems like a waste of time. I wish sleep could be injected through a needle or downed from a glass--something quick and painless like that. That way, I'd never have to miss anything on account of having been too tired or asleep. (*Fishy, I am SO sorry I slept in like that and I WILL complete our swap ASAP. I swear I was so excited to give those to you that day!!! I hope you'll forgive me and that you're having house-hunting-luck down there!)

Having experienced all of that just yesterday and the day before, you'd think that by now I'd have learned my lesson and would STOP staying up so late, but what can I say? I'm nocturnal training to live in Japan.

Quote of the Moment:
"Oh, I saw your daughter earlier today--the two of them. You know, the original."
    --Ken, fish enthusiast and sushi chef extraordinaire

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