Monday, April 26, 2004

Language Proven Mathematically

al·ways - adv. For all time; forever: They will always be friends.
for·ev·er - n. A seemingly very long time: It has taken forever to resolve these problems.
seem·ing·ly - adv. Apparent; ostensible: The story's ending was seemingly perfect.
ap·par·ent·ly - adv. Appearing as such but not necessarily so; seeming: The size was apparently not right.
un·nec·es·sar·i·ly - adv. Not necessary; needless. The violence was unnecessary.
need·less - adj. Not needed or wished for; unnecessary. Her rude words were needless.

if always = forever = seemingly = apparently = unnecessarily = not necessary = needless,
then always = needless,
and if needless ≈ irrelevant,
then always ≈ irrelevant,
∴ to say always is pretty much irrelevant.

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