Friday, April 23, 2004

Jabbering Randomly For The Third Time

I am being HOed...Dr. HOed that is. I am being HOed on the highest level too. Yet my shoulders are still so sore...

You could tell that I was supposed to be studying today by the number of times I posted. I DID manage to get to study with Vin after a LONG while.

Vin is getting a new car--most likely a Mazda 3--so we drooled about cars today while were were supposedly studying.

I drove Shaky's Mazda 3 the other day...and forgot to put it in neutral before getting out (still so sorry, Shaky!!!).

Gas prices got more expensive as I drove home westward tonight.

At home I ate a whole take-out portion of noodles before heading to bed--TK would've been proud.

I haven't talked to TK in a while--the nights have been chat-less.

Señorita chatted on the phone so long the other night, she had to change her phone twice in order to have enough batteries to keep talking. Figures she wasn't talking to me.

Hun-Gee got a new phone the other day that's pretty and that takes pictures.

Vin complains that his textbooks don't have enough pictures in them.

My book has a dog named Bimbo in it.

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