Thursday, April 01, 2004

And So...?

No, I'm not asleep yet. No, I haven't finished my essay that's due tomorrow. No, I don't really have any intention of finishing it on time. No, I haven't written my 20 page essay yet either. No, I haven't emailed all the people that I should've by now. No, I'm not wearing any underwear. No, I don't have any jokes planned for today. No, I don't intend on falling for anyone's pranks. No, I haven't started looking for or applying to any jobs yet. No, I'm not scratching. No, I don't have any money in my bank account. No, I haven't won any more free stuff from Tim Horton's after that one coffee. No, I will not lick your man-tits. No, I'm not going to drink on Friday. No, I'm not the girl on the McDonald's cup. No, I don't want to go to work tonight. No, I really don't care.

...what's it to you anyway?

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