Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Exam Time = Random Blogging

It's beautiful out and I want to go out and enjoy it, but not only do I have nowhere to go, but I have no one to go with.

The JFC convened at Tim Horton's last night for the first time in a while. It's nice to know that we're all back to being so close at hand again. After Squiggly went home, Boo and I stopped at her place to cook up some of her ever-so-addictive cocaine/pasta salad and then headed to my house to enjoy it and enjoy it we did...until after four o'clock in the morning. Our discussions covered everything from abbreviations to overdoses, perforations to performances.

"Laughter is proof of a connection--a deeper bond."

Boo and I laugh aloud and often. Boo is irreplaceable.

I'm supposed to be studying. Instead, here I am blogging and taking pictures of my gorgeous red hair that I can't share with anyone until Brodder comes home to install my uploading programs. I should really learn how to take care of pooter stuff by myself.

Note to Self: learn how to take care of pooter stuff by myself.

Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside
Call my name and save me from the dark
Bid my blood to run before I come undone
Save me from the nothing I've become...

...Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life...

...Don't try to fix me--I'm not broken...(Evanescence)

"When something is meant to happen, the whole world will conspire to see that it does."
    --Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Pet Peeve: When people foward those chain-emails that come enclosed within billions of other forwards that claim to give you money for every person that you send it to. They've been around for years now, and have ANY of you seen a cheque yet? I think not. Get the hint.

Go Leafs Go. Boobin Be-Leafs. Belfour is a wall--that man is a machine that should be mounted on a pedestal for all to gather around and admire. Go Leafs Go.

I am going to study my readings now. However, studying can mean reading in bed which in turn can sometimes lead to an unexpected afternoon nap. If this is what happens during the course of my studying, I will not fight fate. It was destined to be so, and you can't argue with Destiny. ;)

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