Monday, April 05, 2004

Essay? What Essay?

Actually, I AM working on my essay (which is kinda why I'm still awake right now) and I thought I'd share with you the opening vignette I have planned. As for some background info, my essay is regarding the philosophies of Ralph Waldo Emerson and John Stuart Mill on Individualism and the Independent Identity of an Individual and the effects they have had on our materialistic North American (I can't bear to just say "American") society's concept of the "right path" for people to take, especially regarding education. *whew* Basically, these guys think that the more we're allowed to express ourselves freely, the more likely we'll become geniuses.

This opening vignette is my own true story, supporting my point that some people don't view university as a place to follow your passions...just a place to prepare to earn $$$. Be glad you're not part of my obscure family...
It was Christmas dinner at the obscure relatives' house--the cousins of the cousins' or something like that. I cowered in a corner most of the night, hoping that no one would notice me as I preferred not to have to converse with these family members--I had decided years ago that their snootiness was simply too much to grin and bear. My camouflage lasted about half of the night until my Uncle ---, who made it his duty to condescendingly compare me to his prodigy daughter, spotted me amongst the ferns.
    "Melody! There you are! I've been looking for you all night!"
    "Hello, Uncle ---, Merry Christmas."
    "Yeah, yeah, Merry Merry. So hey! How's university going? Are you still in school? You know, my daughter's going to be finishing her Bio-Engineering degree next year. She's going to make a lot of money, eh? So what are you studying again?"
    "I'm an English Specialist, Uncle ---. I'm finishing my degree next year too. At U of T, same school as your daughter."
    "Oh yeah. That must be interesting...I guess your parents said it was okay...I'm sure you'll find a job somewhere...doing English things..."
    There followed a bit of a pause during which my uncle silently tried to think of something more to say about my field of study, and I silently willed him to spontaneously combust. Unfortunately, neither of us achieved any results, and he continued.
    "So, uh, what about your brother, eh? What's he going to study next year?"
    "He's going into a Computer Software Engineering program, Uncle ---."
    "Computer Software Engineering, eh? Now that's a degree! Your parents must be proud of him, eh? Just like my daughter, he's going to make a lot of money, eh?"
    And on and on he went, jabbering about the great and wealthy people my brother and his daughter were preparing to be. I managed to grin, but I couldn't bear it.
And so you have it. I swear, Uncle --- is a real "uncle" of mine (I only say "uncle" cuz I don't really know the exact title/relation he is to me), and I swear, he never misses a chance to rag on my choice of study, my seeming lack of heritage, and my cheesy part-time job (which I don't even have anymore). *sigh* Really, I would never wish a relative like him upon you; that would just be cruel. Anyway, seeing as this essay is worth 70% of my final mark, feel free to comment, complain, and criticize...I know you want to.

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