Monday, October 06, 2003

The Weekend Recap
(Q, I know you're fearing this one...)

Summary-in-one-sentence: omg I spent a lot of money

Friday--well, you already know about that day. If you don't, then you've been neglecting my blog and I should shun you for it. But instead, I shall be generous and only make you scroll to find out what I did by reading that post. Except when you go to scroll and look for Friday's date, you'll find that I didn't write about what I did on Friday ON Friday--I wrote about it after midnight and consequently the post shows up under Saturday's date. Sucker...

Saturday is another story. My Saturday starting too freakin' early in the morning with a gloriously useful and informative staff meeting. At least I didn't sleep through this one--I dozed. :p As soon as that was over, I rushed out and called Grac-u to leave her a Happy 21st Birthday message on her voice mail, and then headed home to prepare for my long awaited, yet long dreaded trip to the employee NIKE store. Long awaited because as the avid athlete I am, I LOVE NIKE stuff (theirs is the only Dri-Fit stuff that actually works). Long dreaded because I knew I would spend a fortune once inside, no matter how good the deals were.

So I got to the NIKE store and checked in at the front desk, giving the guy dirty looks the whole time he was looking at my god-awful driver's license picture, making sure I was me. After that, I was happier than the fat kid who didn't get picked last for teams (thanks, Pablo). A track suit, bra, warm-up shirt, and 4 shopping lists later, I left the store with one GI-NORMOUS shopping bag and a credit card bill for $550. :S But it was SO worth it--my track suit and bra are hot (right hun-Gee?).

I got home giddily with all my purchases and had wonton soup lunch with my shopping bud, Bar, before heading out to meet up with Q at IKEA for some furniture power-shopping. This being my first real-live encounter with Q, we ended up playing a bit of cell phone hide-and-seek before we actually found each other (looked each other up and down) and headed upstairs together with Q's friend Steve to the showroom. A bookcase, a dresser, a table, 2 pillows, and set of bed sheets later, Q and I left IKEA with 2 shopping-trolleys (cuz they're not exactly carts), and 2 GI-NORMOUS credit card bills--mine alone was over $300. Strangely enough though, we managed to lose Steve along the way...

Anyway, we got out to the loading area where Q waited with our loot while I went to bring the van around. When I came around, I pulled into the next available loading spot which happened to be second from the end--the end one was empty as well but seeing as how Q was waiting halfway down the aisle, I decided to park as close to him as I could. I get out and these two asian chicks are motioning desperately to me. Turns out they wanted me to move my van cuz their "stuff was there first" and they couldn't walk the 3 extra steps to the spot beside mine. I was all flustered cuz I thought they were being prissy and whiny and I didn't want to hear them, so I told them I'd move after I'd told Q where I'd parked. But by the time I got back into the van and had started it, their guy friend had already started reversing into the spot next to me. I turned around to the girls and shrugged, letting them know that I had tried, and then when I turned back, I sucked in my breath and froze as I watched this mo-fo come within centimetres (not even inches) of hitting me and then taking off my passenger-side mirror. Stupid mo-fo parked so close he had to climb out of his passenger-side to exit his car.

Soon after, I unfroze, got out of my van and turned around in time to see those frickin' asians reaching for Q's new table off one of the trolleys he'd brought over and left while he went to fetch the other one. Luckily, he came back in time to tell them that it was his just as they picked it up off his trolley. As soon as he told them, they DROPPED it back down. omg. I was stunned. Q was pissed (as I would be too). They didn't even offer so much as an apology--for the mix-up even! After that, we started loading all of our RIGHTFUL possessions into the van, the whole time muttering obscenities under our breath ("fuckin' asians" making up the majority of them). I swear, those asians were unbelievable. Unbe-fucking-lievable

I gave Q and Steve a lift home after that and headed to my dinner with the Flying Tigers Team at the Blue Dragon Restaurant on Spadina (don't be fooled by the fact it has a green sign, should you ever by chance visit it). After the whole IKEA escapade and then my own quest for a parking spot, I was only an hour late (:S); however, I wasn't the last to arrive. Dinner was awesome (thanks coach) and so was the catching up--it'd only been a month and a half since our New York trip (and my initiation), but it seemed like FOREVER since I'd seen any of the girls. 300+ photos and some MORE money later, I headed back to Q's place to hang out until Pablo's bus came in from Waterloo.

Q's condo is the ULTIMATE bachelor pad. I felt like I'd taken a wrong turn and had walked back into the IKEA showroom with its fully furnished models that just make you want to buy BuY BUY! SOOOOO awesome. You can literally throw rocks at the clubbers waiting outside in lines--he lives that close to the district (hehehe...throwing rocks at clubbers...hehehe). And then he's got all the latest and greatest toys that all the boys I know would drool over if they saw them. Anything that was cool, digital, or electronic, he had. Despite all the cool, digital surroundings though, we took to playing a good ol' card game of hands down. The mo-fo beat me in the end, but I gave him a good run for his money for a while--each of us repeatedly reminding the other that they were a mo-fo the whole time.

It wasn't until after we'd had our "Infernal Affairs/Internal Affairs" argument (and I STILL swear that it's Infernal Affairs) that Pablo called me to pick his ass up at the station. Reluctantly I left Q's wicked-cool place with the extra parking space to fetch Pablo. Turns out Q's a pretty cool guy, and some awesome wicked-cool company too--I don't know why he claims to be having so much trouble with the ladies; he's a looker too...

I finally got home and tucked Pablo into bed by about 1:30am. I passed out soon after I called my hun-Gee to wish him a good night, dreading the fact that I had to wake up on Sunday at 6:30am to let Pablo out of my house so he could Run for the Cure. Amazingly I managed to wake up to my alarm at 6:30, only to hit snooze 4 times. I made it downstairs by 7:15 only to discover that he was still in the shower, so I crashed on my couch a little longer. Finally, me and my room-clearing morning breath (SO sorry, Pablo) packed him up with new NIKE gear, letters to my lover, and food for the Loo boys and saw him on his way with a wave to the hot chick driving the MANUAL Acura that came to pick him up (goodness Pablo, can't you go places in your own car?!).

The weekend ended with me rushing my ass off to volleyball with more girls. I say rushing not because it was just after Pablo left, but because I crawled back into bed and slept in until 10am. I was supposed to meet at Kennedy Station 10:15. *groan* After the game and totally unhealthy eats with the girls, I manage to chauffeur myself home where I crashed like my computer last month and slept the rest of the night LONG weekend, but oh so worth it... :D Now if only I can last until THIS weekend...

The Recap Recap
- omg I spent a lot of money.
- omg I wrote a lot.
- omg those asians were unbelievable.
- see Q? That wasn't so bad.
- omg I spent a lot of money.
- omg I have a new bookshelf and dresser.
- omg I have new NIKE stuff.
- omg I spent a lot of money.

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