Sunday, October 26, 2003

I think I'm addicted to coffee. Tim Horton's coffee, specifically; but I suppose java in general. I discovered this today as I arrived at work and found myself to be in quite the grumpiest of moods, despite my having slept the whole afternoon away. My co-workers were being nothing but sweet to me, but I could neither crack a smile or be pleased by any of their efforts to cheer me. I decided to get out of there for a sec and offered to go on a coffee run for my managers. While at Tim's, I bought myself my usual large-double-double coffee thinking nothing of it--only ordering it because I was there (when in Rome...). I got back to work and it wasn't even until after I had delivered everyone's orders to them that I finally cracked open my own cup. And when that sweetly warm liquid touched my rather grumpy lips, I swear I could feel my frown turn upside-down and all of a sudden I was cheerful!

I don't like to admit being dependent on anything, but I think this is one addiction that I'm going to have to come to terms with. I figured that it grew out of the fact that mid-terms and papers were due back-to-back these past two weeks and all I knew during that time were caffinated-insomnia sprees. I mean, I had no reason to need a coffee today at that point, but yet it was all I could do from biting off heads without it! I have to admit though, that stuff is pretty good and it does make me feel all warm inside. Anyone up for feeling good, warm and wired, give me a call--in my mind, it's never too late for a good cup of joe.

OW! DAMN YOU BURN!!! Why is it we are so intent on picking at scabs? Why don't we just leave the dang things alone and just let them do their things to heal? My burn's just recently been getting better, but yet I still feel the need to poke and prod at it, as if that'll do anything. Whatever. I know it's something I should just leave be, but just as I manage to push it to the back of my mind where I've forgotten it, something minor brings it all back to the surface again and I'll be once again, poking and prodding. And it doesn't help that it's so dang itchy! Goddammit! Where the hell was that guy's mind that night? I wish I'd at least seen it coming; maybe I could've ducked or something--anything to avoid this constant irritation! When was the last time YOU had a burn? Did it hurt? Did it itch? Did you pick at it? You did? I feel for you. If you didn't, please, share your secret...this is killing me. Owwie...

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