Thursday, November 26, 2009

R-acking discipline

I told myself I wasn't going to open up my computer today until I had the time to do it, after completing all of the other million things on my list of things to do.


But at least I'm blogging again. I know I still have all of the rest of my Europe posts to put up, but as I just mentioned to SilentR in an email, I'm only just making it through my Rome pictures at the moment. I put all of my Athens pictures into their own folder yesterday--870 of that city alone. Sheesh. But I will persevere.

I wish the weather had been more cooperative in Rome what with it having been so cloudy and me not having a monopod nor tripod with me (not that there weren't enough vendors to offer me those for sale) to stay still long enough for the exposures to be any good. I tried my best. I say 10 great pictures per city should be good.

Can you believe that while in Rome I didn't put pen to paper once about the city and all I saw? I plan to correct that now, but still, I feel a sense of disappointment in myself--what kind of writer am I that I couldn't fight through the exhaustion to record a little of what I saw in words.

But then again, in my defense, there are not enough words nor pictures in the world that could describe what I saw and experienced.

Back to what I'm supposed to be doing. But at least I can take satisfaction in the fact that I have gleaming counter-tops already this morning.

1 comment:

ehbaba said...

I don't think they ever gleamed under our watch haha

Btw - I love the nickname SilentR!!!!