Thursday, November 19, 2009


Truth be told, I'm happy to be heading home. Excited, actually.

Excited to take a shower, wash my clothes, eat a home cooked meal, see my family and friends, kiss my boyfriend, squeeze the cat, sleep in my own bed...but even more than the comforts of home, I'm excited for all of the events that are awaiting me, planned in my absence.

Upon touchdown in Toronto, I have one day to reset before being whisked away by my lovely Crazy to a weekend getaway to Niagara Falls (though I have a sneaking suspicion the locale was motivated by his lately strong craving for the casino buffet). Then I'm in for a chicken overload with Roomie and Em for belated birthday celebrations (for each of us!). Finally, somehow my Crazybf found time to book us into his company Christmas party.

Splendid. The anticipation is already killing me.

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