Friday, November 14, 2003

Sometimes I Amuse Myself

Brodder stayed home on Monday because he was too groggy after sleeping 15 hours to go to school afterall. That and since he'd slept since 8 o'clock the night before, he hadn't done any of his homework. That night, he left a note on the counter, asking for someone to write him a note. Passing by the counter on the way to making myself some tea in an attempt to dislodge the pinecones in my throat, I noticed his note, and decided to save my parents the trouble the next morning by writing him a note myself:
To Whom It May Concern,

Please excuse Brodder's absence from classes yesterday (November 10, 2003) as he was too lazy to get his good-for-nothing, skinny-ass out of bed for school. Have a great day Remembering!

Thank you,

his dutiful and brutally honest, disgustingly fat sister,
melody - xoxoxoxo

I spent a good 5 minutes laughing to myself about that note. I was willing to bet that the poor secretary that received it would be most confused about the "Remembering" part (how many of YOU get that part, huh?). I'm sure you can imagine my dismay when I woke up the next morning to find my note still on the counter. However, when I asked Brodder about it later that day, he laughed for a good 5 minutes as well before telling me that he had seriously considered taking that version of his note in anyway. He'd planned to hand it to the secretary, and just as the look on her face turned from a pleasant "Good morning Mr. SAC President" look to a "What the hell is this shit" look, he'd jump in with a "Whoops, I think I handed you the wrong note there, here's the one for you!" and switch the papers, leaving her wide-eyed and bewildered. *sigh* I'm glad Brodder gets it. If he didn't, I think it'd only be me. I swear, sometimes I amuse myself.

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