Thursday, November 10, 2011

Writing to write

How often is it that I find writing daunting (other than when I used to be faced with 30-page essays with 10am deadlines)?  Being on vacation has suddenly made it so.  Emails, blogging, travel blogging, status's a lot to deal with at once!  And when you throw in jetlag and writer's block too, it's beyond daunting!

I think just blogging here and now is an attempt to talk myself down into some sort of written sense.  Regular blogging will be for fun (and sanity), travel blogging will be to be informative to followers and fellow travelers alike, and emails will be to keep the order away from here.  Oh, and status updates will be for posterity.  Things like: "I ate a breakfast with drinks for 2 for under $5 CAD, bitches!"

Okay, maybe not the "bitches" part.  But things like that.

I think I need a library and Starbucks day.

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