Sunday, May 11, 2008

Shriekingly Silly Segueways After a Second Cup

save me
from the shrieking baby.
i'm gonna go crazy.

RE: save me

You'll survive. You rock. I rule. :D

Sing the Koodo theme to yourself to drown out the sound. That'll make you feel better...

love it.

that's the most awesomest tshirt. i wish i could wear those tshirts at work now..dammit!!
so you remember the guy i worked with? the "hey hey you you, i don't like your girlfriend" guy?
turns out that he knows the boys i grew up with going to church and stuff - and some other boys of family friends..weird..small world.

RE: love it.

Next time I see these shirts in the states, it's all about you. We're never going to kick the graphic-tee thing.

Small world and it just keeps shrinking.

Did you feel better after you sang the song? I know I felt better seeing it. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I taught the girls about the whole dark roast=taste, light roast=caffeine thing. It was fun. Then they made fun of me about how I was limping last week when I wore your shoes. Dammit.

so i'm here by myself until 1pm. sucks ass. cuz it usually gets busy around 12. isn't that great?
my 12 o'clock relief called in sick. can't begrudge her - she's in the hospital right now.
but still.
and soooooo sorry about my shoes busting up your feet last week. they feel fine for me. but like i said, i just have messed up feet, and the callouses are already there from my steel toe boots. hot.
so where's the segueway between telling the fun story about dark/medium roast and making fun of your poor limping feet last week?

RE: segueway?

Segueway? Who needs those? George Bush managed to tip one, did you hear that?

Hospital? Definitely not allowed to begrudge. Lutka just short of stripped me in the office just now, because I asked her to check (through the NECK!) if there was a stray hair straggling down the back of my shirt on the inside. Lovely. There are so many women in this office you can practically TASTE the estrogen when you walk in.

That and there are PMS pills scattered all over the place. Bodner's a walking pharmacy for women.

he managed to tip the untippable segueway? only dubya.
and tell lutka only i'm allowed to strip you. that and the pink flower guy.
mmmmm, estrogen...yummmmmay.

RE: tipped?
Yup, only dubya. Boss said that he tried one once at a mall, and try as he might, he could NOT tip it! To re-iterate: only dubya.

I just intercommed Lutka to tell her what you said--she said she'd fight for me. I think we can make money off of this event. Money off of Golddawg at least. Hahahaha.

Is it 5:30 yet?

my money's on the mom
just cuz kids are tough to deal with..and lord knows i don't know how to handle them.

as for dubya - i'll bet the segueway tipped good ol' georgie because it didn't want the dumbass to make segueways look stupid.

RE: my money's on the mom
Bwahahahaha. I dunno, I have faith in your viciousness. Take it as a compliment. :)

Doesn't tipping him make him make them look stupid? That's too glass half full/empty for me to think about today. I'm just whiling down the hours until the day's over and I get to see y'all who I LURVE again|! Vomitus, I know, but you were included in the lurrrrrve count, just so you know.

my coffee isn't working
who knows about what looks stupider: the segueway or dubya. either way, we know for sure one half of that duo is stupid.
as for my viciousness, i do take it as a compliment. booyaka...sha!

so vomitus, but i'll take it.
i'm easy like that. i'll just take the love wherever it's being handed out. does that make me a...lurvve slut?

ps: the subject title- just to prove it, i had misspelled coffee and had noticed it just before i was about to send it.

RE: my coffee isn't working
When I pick you up today, can you just climb in the car and say that: Booyaka...sha! :D

Stupid is as stupid does. And he did. OOOOOOH did he DO.

To be a lurvve slut, you have to be the one handing it out for free. I think that's the way it goes anyway. To be the one who loves to accept free things, I think that makes you a lurvve Lush. Yeah? Accepts the free lurve and gets high off it and easy to manipulate?

This morning's coffee run was the best of them all.

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