Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'll gas you!

I can't believe I was actually excited to see gas at 104.3¢ tonight. Excited. This is disgusting. It cost me $40 to fill the tank to my little Honda Civic. I can actually remember the days when it only cost $20 to fill the tank of a Civic. Now, that either means that gas prices have become stupid, or I've fallen into the category of the aged who remember things from "back in the day."

I am 24-years ancient--gas prices are retarded.

Oh, sorry, they're special.

Girls, it was a great night very high-school, but still refreshingly great, nevertheless. Love it.

1 comment:

ehbaba said...

As much as I heart you, I get riled up when I hear people complain about gas prices. North American gas prices is among the cheapest in the world. Also, think about how much people paid for bottled water (1L of water costs more than 1L of gasoline)! It costs WAAAAY more to find, extract, and refine gasoline than it takes to treat water and put it in bottles. No one is forcing people to buy gasoline. I'd much rather someone complain about how much tax is being applied to gasoline purchases than the price of gas itself.

I still heart you.