Sunday, June 04, 2006

From the Department of Redundancy Department

Call me cheesy, but I like the billboard ads they have out right now for Coca-Cola's Fresca. (I'd have posted images, but alas, Google could find me none.)

"10 out of 10 Fresca lovers prefer Fresca!"

"Available wherever Fresca is sold!"

I miss you Boo!

In other news, I visited yet another TCM doctor regarding my eczema. However, this one's supposed to be an eczema specialist. Anyhoo, I came away from my hour session with her with 4 acupuncture holes in my belly, a list of MORE things NOT to eat (including red meats, alcohol, and sugar), 2 bags of herbs for tea, a jar of organic cream, and $115 less.

This lady's serious. She'd asked me to show her any medications/ointments that I'd been using up until our meeting. She took one look and basically scolded me for even possessing any of them (some even prescribed by my other acupuncturist) and told me to stop taking them immediately. Whew. Whenever I brought up my treatment histories with other TCM practitioners, she grilled me about who they were and where they worked--talk about territorial! She actually explained that she was just curious because since the TCM community was still fairly small, she might know who I'd have visited before...but personally, the explanation came a little too delayed. ;)

Whatever; here I go again, trying yet another method of eczema banishment. I don't know if my eczema's going to go away because of a successful treatment, or because I'm going to have withered away to nothing because there are so many foods I'm not supposed to eat. But, like I said, this lady's serious. She'd been listed as an expert and specialist and really, there's no other way to describe her. There was one thing I DID give her the "smile-and-nod" for when she was explaining further treatment to me:

    "When you wash your hands--even when you're taking a shower--don't use soap. It is very important that you not use soap."


I do want good, clear, eczema-free skin. I do. But coming down to it, if I have to decide between being soap-free or eczema-free, I'm going to have to say it's going to be a tough choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. Oh Boo.