Monday, June 26, 2006

Do not bring your own

I'm all for chillin' and having a coffee with friends. What with it being summer, I'm even more for chillin' and having a coffee with friends outside on a patio. However, as much as I enjoy the thought of a coffee shop with a patio, if a place doesn't HAVE a patio, I'm not about to bring my own.

Thinking I'd take care of some work for upcoming fundraising events, I headed out to my local Timmy Ho's. Knowing that it was summer and that it was a prime time for young hoodlums to meet and show each other how much money they'd recently poured into their rapidly depreciating rice rockets, I wasn't too surprised to see the spots on the edge of the parking lot already taken. However, when I actually turned into the parking lot, I was met with something new.

Yes, there were those show-off-my-car meets, but on top of that, taking up the rest of the spots were other young hoodlums who had pulled out their beach chairs in order to sit in groups in the spots between their not-as-nice-cars in order to chat with friends and pass a cigarette among them that they were too young to have bought themselves.

Not an empty spot in sight--though I could see plenty of vacant seats inside--I was forced to keep driving right on through the lot and out on my way to find another place to do my work. Phooey. Seriously though; bringing your OWN chairs to Timmy's? C'mon.

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