Thursday, June 01, 2006


I feel like a computer bum. I swear I'm being productive, but the fact that I've just been sitting here at the computer since I've gotten out of bed makes me feel so lazy.

Since I got out of bed today I've been online, searching and applying for jobs. What makes it difficult is that I've decided for myself that I'm only going to allow myself to apply for jobs with specific working hours/working terms. So, my breadth is a little on the slim side. Hopeful to go to China with my older family members this October, I don't want to commit to any job that extends too far past the summer. Adamant about volleyball this summer, I won't even consider any jobs that entail ANY weekend hours.

And what am I left with?

Low-paying, low brain-capacity, Joe-jobs that are short term and 9-5. Not horrible, but not exactly great either. I already miss serving and talking to people and not ever seeing the same day twice. As much as I miss it though, I know that as soon as I so much as step back into the serving realm, I'll be bombarded with weekend and evening hours that I'll be guilted into working, regardless of my volleyball schedule. The ONE day more that Poohed needed me to work for him before officially leaving the restaurant was a Saturday. See?

And now I shall take a break from searching for jobs and go ahead and pick up my convocation tickets. Thank you, University, for providing me with so much opportunity.

Update: 4:55pm

What I would give to be a student again. As I crossed through UTSC on my way to pick up my convocation tickets, I got a little nostalgic, peeking into those empty classrooms that I once literally inhabited for terms at a time. I could remember sitting there, eagerly soaking up knowledge, being challenged by professors or classmates to be more and more intellectual. It was easy, but hard and I liked it.

What about now?

Now, I sit at home, cooking and cleaning because I have little better to do. Book after book, blog after blog; somebody PLEASE hire me!!!

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