Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Yesterday was a Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

(10 points to anyone else who knows where that title is from...and no, I'm not writing about my bitch of a cousin...yet)

As many of you know, yesterday was a beautiful day out. The sun was shining, the snow (what's left of it) was melting, and it was seasonally warm out too. My day started out great. I woke up for the second time that day, ON TIME for my quiz in my first class, with enough time to put on my new *bling* (thanks, mom), and of course, the weather was a welcome bonus. I put on my headphones and my boots and headed out the door to the bus stop.

On my way there, I notice one bus drive by. Usually this would distress me since the buses there take FOREVER to come, but since this was still a great day another one was fast on the first's heels and I was whisked away to school, still on time for my class, not to mention the fact that as I was crossing the street to the stop, a guy managed to stick his head out the window of his car and cat-call at me as he whizzed by--I still got it.

When I reached the campus, I got off the bus and headed towards the building my first class was in. I enjoyed the sunshine up until I got up to the front walkway of the building. Now, there's been some construction going on at my school for sometime, so I knew as well as any other student that there at the front step was this patch of perpetual mud flowing from the construction site. However, not a much problem, I only had to take a few steps detour to avoid it, just as myself or any other student has done on any other day. So, I'm taking these few steps, along with some random girl beside me, and we both hop up onto the known safe spot on the curb away from the mud.

Or so we thought.

Turns out the usual safe spot became an addition to the mud flow and was an ankle deep puddle of mud on this otherwise beautiful day. Ugh. I felt a little worse for the girl next to me as she was wearing runners and I was wearing my boots. However, that didn't stop me from being grossed out that I had brown goo on my boots, enough to meet the bottom hem of my jeans, not counting the spatter that went halfway up to my knees. Blech. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to stop to attempt to clean off my boots if I still wanted to be on time for my quiz, so off I went towards my class, leaving a muddy trail of footprints all the way.

The prof was just handing out the quizzes as I slid into my seat next to my friend, RJ. In response to his puzzled look as to why I seemed so flustered, I told him I was having a bad day.

"Because I stepped in mud and now my boots are filthy."
*glances down at my shoes* "They don't look that bad."
"RJ, these are black, leather boots."
*gasps* "Oh my God I thought they were brown suede."

Ick. Can you imagine? And RJ just had successful laser-eye surgery so he could see properly--and he saw brown suede.

Anyway, I did my best to chisel off the mud afterwards and at worst I looked like I was wearing Shmelly's steel-toe work boots rather than my own. After class Shmelly actually picked me up and we headed to his place, me complaining about my awful day the whole way. When we got to his house, his mom told us to eat the food on the counter which I was all for. I took of my boots and rolled up the muddy hems of my pants, thankful to be inside where nothing else could happen to my shoes.

I padded into the kitchen--with my pants rolled to show off my socks as though I was expecting a flood--and put together some comfort-food to soften the effects of my day. Having heaped my plate high, I walked over to the microwave...and into a puddle of water. ARGH!!!

Apparently the fridge was leaking and Shmelly's mom had neglected to mention any warning. I decided my socks couldn't get any wetter so I popped my food into the microwave and nuked it while I went to dry my feet. Having taken my socks off (now I REALLY looked ready for a flood) and dried my feet, I grumbled all the way back to the beeping microwave where I promptly stepped in the puddle again because in my angst I'd forgotten all about it. ARGH!!!

At least this time my socks didn't get wet. And at least I was still right when I'd speculated that nothing else could happen to my shoes. I finally managed to eat my food after I dried up that puddle myself. When it was time to head home, I looked as bad as I felt. I was going home wearing my boots undone and muddy without any socks and with my pants rolled up halfway to my knees. Sexy.

As consolation, I remind myself now that my day STARTED OFF great, and ENDED off so as when I got home I was met with a bunch of boos with whom I shared cookies, ice cream and tons of other sweetnesses. Over all, I guess it turned out to be a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Not So Bad Day.


Lauren said...

Your entry title came from a children's book. Just kind of ran across your blog and that title caught my eye.

melody said...

Hey, yay! Ten points as promised, to Lauren! Thanks for reading!