Friday, March 04, 2005


That word itself seems very random, doesn't it? I enjoy it. Having dedicated 4 years and $20 000 to the study of English, I feel I am entitled to create new words as I see fit. So there. "Randominity" is my word for the moment.

My plan of being an insomniac in order to battle my insomnia failed. I made it until 6am this morning when I fell in to a semi-conscious stupor. I could sort of see and feel when Shmelly kissed me on the head on his way to work, but I was too incapacitated to even grunt a sort of reply. That's okay though. He knows I'm good for it.

When I finally woke up today, dad and Shmelly both burst through the door, minutes apart from each other as they'd both had early days off work. I think that as pleased as I was to see the two of them home already, I think they were more pleased to be in each other's presense at that time of day--then meeting during the day can only mean one thing: All-Day-Breakfast! Those two men can eat! We went to the Phillipino restaurant out at the corner (they DO serve all-day-breakfast there though they didn't order it) and halfway through our meal, I became aware of someone staring at us. It turned out to be Momma from work. She came over to give us all some love and then told me how much she missed me at work before she proceeded to order the whole store to take home to her hungry grandchildren at home. Having not worked in about a month now, I miss her. I can't exactly say with any sincerity that I miss work, but I do miss the people like her AT work.

Typing's been shitty cuz I've got a bandaid on my right index finger. Not only has my typing been impeded, but my nose picking as well. It sucks. Trust me.

Just ate a pure bachelorette meal. No one was home, but there was some leftover spaghetti (just the pasta) from my pasta craving the other night, so I had that with a can of barely-diluted cream of mushroom soup as a sauce. Yum. I was going to eat it right out of the pot, but then realized that if caught, my mother would throw a fit. I don't know what's the big deal? I'm just lessening the number of dishes to be washed later.

Figures, just after devouring my sad excuse for a meal, my dad calls and invites me out to dinner with him and mom. They're having periwinkles. Double Yum. They promised to bring me home some...

I finally decided that the guys night tonight will remain just a guys night. But that means this is the first night in a LONG time that I will be on my own separate agenda from Shmelly. weiiiiird. I don't know that I'll be able to sleep tonight. :p

At Shmelly's earlier, his friend was over with his son, Spoon. Just as we were all at the door waiting for Shmelly to get ready to leave, Spoon ran by and gave my ass a good smack when he passed. I jumped and yelled out of surprise, and then jokingly accused Spoon's dad of teaching him by example to do that to women.

Spoon's dad - "I would NEVER teach Spoon to do anything like that!"
Spoon - "But dad, you do it to mommy all the time!"


I very much enjoy the song "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles. The echo part of the song very much tickles my funny bone. It just makes it feel like so much fun! We SHOULD all live in yellow submarines.

And now I am off. I'm going to pick up some of the other boos and we're all going to meet SimpleDimple's new boyfriend for interrogation. She says Yoshi COULD be THE ONE, so this is important...especially since he's heading back to Japan on Monday. woooooo! The excitement and anticipation is killing me! It's always exciting when you come into contact with affairs of the heart....awwww...

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