Wednesday, March 17, 2004

He Calls It "Random Jabbering"; I'll Call It "Jabbering Randomly"

Something's wrong at school: I waited in the Tim Horton's line for less than 3 minutes--two days in a row! Creepy...

I was doing the calculations last night (as opposed to my homework) and I figured out that I have two weeks to write forty pages worth of essays. FORTY!!! I think that in itself shall explain my up-coming absense from blogger. *groan*

Where's the beef? You're right, Pablo, I am starting to miss you and your cruel words of wit that accompany your attempted yet ineffectual attacks on my intelligence.

After reading Shaky's second most recent post, I'm reminded of the fact that I'm deathly afraid of growing up. Not growing old, but growing up, and (as he says) becoming responsible for myself. *shudder* And soon after that, I was reminded by the same post that I'm afraid of showing up at Shaky's birthday to have him passout on my boobs again. *shudder*

Had another tea/bath courtesy of my herbalist last night. Tuna was over while the stuff was bubbling on the stove; he gagged at the smell. At the smell!!! And I have to drink that stuff. Nasty I tells ya.

If you stand still and look straight up into the sky on a day that it's softly snowing those huge clumps of snowflakes, it feels like you're staring up into infinity. I get dizzy when I do that.

I also get dizzy when I try to help Tuna find Schrodinger's cat--quantum physics are weird.

Speaking of weird, my room's clean and has been so for 2 days now. The world's going to end soon I tells ya.

If the world's going to end, it'll have to wait until after Friday night--I gotta go (with Squig, Hydrophobe, and Hun-Gee) see Boo appear in Faust first!

Darwin was not the first to "stumble" on the theory of evolution--he only made it popular.

Tim Horton's has problems with their probabiility--I've had MORE than twenty coffees, and I've only won once. I even figured out how to actually roll up the opposed to gnawing on that thing like a deranged chipmunk on a caffeine-high.

Speaking of coffee, I want one. Anyone want to join me? I'll teach you to roll up the rim, though I don't guarantee any winning. :)

1 comment:

IANW said...

I'm always up for Timmies. Does injecting it directly into my vein look creepy if I do it in public? It is Tim Horton's coffee, after all.