Saturday, March 20, 2004

Call Me Baron

Boo's production of Faust was yesterday (well, today too, but I only went to yesterday's). SO GOOD. I went in with only a slight clue of what Faust was about, but by the end, I was chilled to the bone by the heartwrenching effects both of the endings had on me. SO GOOD!!! I'm so proud of Boo.

Hydro, Squig, Hun-Gee and I piled into the car at 6:30 and flew to the show, squeaking in the doors just moments before curtains up (though there were no curtains). To be honest, I was worried about Squig and Hun-Gee's attention spans while the play progressed; the themes they were working with were kind of hard to grasp, and the fact that the two of them had NO clue as to what Faust would be about didn't help. But, lo and behold, by the end of the first act, Hun-Gee stood up after watching Boo fight off her supposed lover, with a "wow." That says a lot. And then by the end of the second act, Squig stood up and walked out with a smile--the smile of his that said "that was SO worth it." Thank goodness.

(In case you're wondering, I had no fears about Hydro's attention span when it came to Faust--she's a fellow intellect...and for FUN too!)

All the way home, with Boo in the car, we analysed, praised, and picked apart the production piece by piece (well the girls did anyway) and decided that overall, it was a job well done by Boo and her fellow actors. Yay!!!

**I think I had more of a point to this post, but as I was torn away by mom and dad for dinner with Grandmama, I kinda lost it. Good dinner though. :)

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