Wednesday, February 04, 2004

What's The Number For Nine-One-One?

I was jumped today. It was while I was exiting the RT station. I got off the RT and headed down the back stairs since not as many people head that way and I figured it would be less crowded. Just as I stepped off the stairs, my assailant jumped me. I felt his hands clamp down on me from behind as he took me by sheer surprise. I saw his gloved hands on my shoulders and my heart leapt up into my throat...

Luckily, I ended up okay. He left me soon after jumping me, but not after I got a good look at his face. And had a conversation with him. And gave him a hug goodbye. My tall, asian attacker was none other than Vin. I totally didn't expect to see him there. He was on his way home from school while I was just putzing around. He walked me to the other end of the station before he had to go downstairs to catch his bus. He actually didn't scare me too badly...I guess living out in the 'borough and having such friends as mine around has desensitized me to such sort of surprise attacks. And the gloves didn't faze me either--I bought those ones for him for Christmas. I guess over all it was a pleasant surprise then. :)

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