Sunday, March 25, 2012

The write track

Three articles in four days.  I like this writing business.  Now if only it would pay the bills.

As you may or may not know, I've been appointed the Contributing Editor of the FPCO Magazine (which just recently graduated from being a newsletter), and the Managing Editor of What's Fab Magazine (an exclusively online publication).  Both publications have asked me to fill in as the Health and Fitness writer, probably because those are the least glamourous columns.  But that won't stop me!

When I can stop worry about bills so much (hopefully because that temp agency can find me some placements), I'd like to branch out and take my own photography to accompany the articles as well.  That's aiming for the moon, but it's still a shot I'd like to take.  Online resume/portfolio, look out!  We've got some updating to do!

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