Monday, March 19, 2012

Unfriended and not liked

Apparently sleep and I are not friends again.  While last time it was a break up between skin, sleep and I, this time it's just sleep and I that are no longer connecting.  I climbed into bed hours ago, and while I admittedly did 2 crossword puzzles before turning off the light, I have since been lying here, not even tossing or turning, waiting for sleep to sneak up on me, but alas, no luck.  Hell, it's bad enough that I decided to give up on trying for a second to post about it.

I thought it was because perhaps I messed up my sleeping schedule a few nights ago by finding myself addicted to playing Scramble on the iTouch.  But it's been a few nights since then and it's been the same routine every night: go to bed, stare at the backs of my eyelids for hours (I can tell it's hours because I can hear my digital watch chime them as they go by), hate myself for not sleeping, fall asleep somewhere just before dawn.

I used to defy sleeping.  I still do sometimes, but not lately, and yet this is what I get anyway.  The worst is when I'm trying to sleep and then...the birds.  When I can hear the birds starting to wake, I know I'm f'ed.  Oop...there goes one now.  Eff.

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