Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Retail Relief

It's amazing how much retail therapy can work for you, even if it IS a temporary fix; a quick escape from the bigger things in life. Usually you find yourself ing a funk because things aren't going your way; you have no control and everyone is telling you what you should or shouldn't be doing.

Enter retail therapy.

Suddenly you're in wreckless control; doing what you probably shouldn't but enjoying yourself. Suddenly you're doing what you want, and no one's telling you otherwise--what store is going to stop you from spending? And suddenly, your mind is so far off from what was bothering you in the first place, you're free from the looming of your stress; exactly what you needed to re-collect yourself.

Sure, afterwards you're left with a bunch of bills to pay and then you're back to the grind, but a few moments of sanity, I think, are worth it.

Alternatively, you could drive your brother around the city, dropping off resumes with the promise of not having to eat alone at the end of it all. That beats over-thinking by yourself at home.

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