Friday, April 25, 2008

Quote of the Moment:

"They're just frozen balls that melt in your mouth."
    --Avril, about something she didn't mean to be talking about

Aren't we all unimpressed when that happens?

Saw We Will Rock You last night with my girls. L-O-V-E-D I-T!!! While during the performance we were all convinced that our favourite was the Frenchie-Leading male, he was trumped in all of 30 seconds at the end when the guitarist came out and rocked his solo. hoTT.

I briefly heard on the radio the other day, an interesting position that they were trying to prove or disprove with listeners' feedback; Guitar-guy gets all the girls. I vote...TRUE. Absolutely.


VDH said...

Worked for me... although I still think that I had her at hello...

melody said...

Actually, I think you had her at "No," followed by the hang-up. hahahaha