Monday, April 28, 2008

Piece of cake

My mother filled out an order form for a cake to be made and inscribed for what I believe was to be an anniversary party for friends. The form was simple enough:

Type of cake: Double Chocolate Butter Cream Layer Cake
Size: 10"
Inscription: Two Hearts, overlapping

A sweet gesture (no pun intended) with something subtly romantic for decoration. My mother picked up the cakes (there were two of the same), left the bakery, and went back to the office to take a peek at her desserts. Once the boxes were opened, she could only shake her head in disbelief and laugh.


Anonymous said...

mmmmmm..chocoalate cake...
that's awesome.
- dimps.

ehbaba said...

I saw that one coming but was still ridiculous amused when I scrolled down to the picture.

Chinese bakery?