Friday, April 25, 2008

A few off the list

Holding Hands
In the winter, they would take off their gloves to hold hands. Regardless of the bitter cold of some nights, nothing could compare to the warmth from the touch of his skin against hers.

The photo reveals how comfortable they were together, despite being near perfect strangers. While a nerve-wrackingly impromptu pairing, her arm is slung naturally around him; his temple touches hers. Neither ever suspected love, but in hindsight, their bodies already knew.

Irrational Fear of a broken A/C unit
Isn't this one obvious?

Lately, it's been getting warmer and warmer, and consequently someone at work has pre-maturely turned on the air-conditioning. Without knowing someone had jacked the A/C, it was suggested that perhaps the thermostat and system were broken and that we call the repair company. I froze: ACG is the repair company. Needless to say, I got to the bottom of the matter very quickly, and then hid in my office for the rest of the day, just in case someone had called without letting me know.

I'm not afraid of him, I just feel bad for having to fess up to my non-feelings. ACG was really sweet; as sweet as a 25 year-old, company-truck driving, non-passport owning, non-coffee drinking, never travelled, aspiring for Whitby-living, shy and quiet young man could be.

"If you are chilly, here take my sweater..." No, really, take it. I'll even start a fire for you in the office--just don't call the A/C guys.

In addition to my original "Stuck" masterpiece, I've had to spend a few more days at the office, signing and un-tabbing documents until my hand/wrist have cramped. However, I'd kept myself sane in much the same manner as before:

The Rest
My secret crush will just have to stay a secret a little longer (though I do have all intentions of a full confession), and Gina's Adventures will just have to continue on a little longer before posting...

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