Thursday, April 03, 2008

Kinda sorta, but lovingly so

It's just barely Thursday, but that means tomorrow is Friday. I've been looking forward to Friday since Sunday!

Some things don't even have to happen to you in person and they make you laugh so hard your co-workers think you're strange.
I thought I'd let you know that I'm wearing my pink shirt today. So far, the make/break button is done up and is free shows yet today.

Make/break button - make someone's day (free peek) or break someone's heart (no free peek). Hold on tight little buddy!

"...little buddy"?! Loved it. I'm just realizing now that there exists a picture to illustrate this story, but (perhaps unluckily) I am not in possession of it.

I'm still up because I had a great conversation tonight that ended against our will; victims of a beyond-exhausted cell phone battery that for once wasn't mine. Health, travel, life, and love were the topics, and despite the time lapse since our last discourse, we conversationalists picked up right where we'd left off; just the way it should always be. Loved that too.

With so much support, how could I ever doubt in love? While the slip I bought at the store fell short, I still feel like I'm holding the winning ticket. You can't stop a girl from dreaming.

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