Wednesday, November 07, 2007


There are some people in your life that, no matter how far away they are, no matter how few words they use, they can catch you off guard and melt your heart.

I am in love with such people.

She awakes to a dark room. A sliver of sunlight cuts through a gap in the drapes, but a quick glance at the clock tells her she can still go back to sleep. She groggily rolls over and tucks the covers under her chin; her eyes close to an empty half of the bed. In her mind, she shakes her head at herself.
I'm still doing it.
She shifts further over until she is in the middle of the mattress, surrounded by pillows and buried in excesses of duvet. Usually one to fall asleep in minutes, she tosses and turns until finally she finds a comfortable curl, and coaxes herself back to sleep.

When she awakes, she finds herself again, on one side of the bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with you too, Boo. ;p