Friday, January 13, 2006

Retail Therapy

I was first introduced to this term by Dimps. Amazing how a little of this sort of therapy can absolutely turn your mood right around. Everyone knows what it is, and everyone's used it at some point or another--what can you say except that it works?

Although it implies it, retail therapy and the comfort that it brings still cannot quite coerce me into believing that happiness can be bought. Temporary belief, perhaps, but not happiness. Happiness is when you take what you collected during your therapy and find a good way to put it all to use. Like using the hood on your most perfect zip-up to keep your head warm and the homeless away (what would be the PC term for those kind of people anyway?).

It wasn't sunny out today, but it was warm enough. Winter's not so bad after all.

1 comment:

IANW said...

I told myself not to over comment on your old blogs but I couldn't help this one.

1) Reherapy rocks. Even for guys. Call me when you go next.
2) Do you mean 'temporary relief' instead of 'belief'? I'm really NOT trying to correct your blog, just trying to understand.
3) There isn't a PC word for homeless folk because they don't care about being PC. If I had to pen one, it would be "residentially challenged" or "opressed".