Monday, December 29, 2003

Dear Blog,

How I've missed you so. I know I've been away forEVER, but I haven't forgotten about you. I'm sorry I didn't even have time to swing by to wish you a Happy Holiday or anything. I hope you're not mad. I've just been THAT busy. 5 turkeys in 7 days...that's gotta be some kind of record or something. And just think, I'm still not sick of it. I must be obsessed with that bird or something. Especially when it's coated in Gung-gung's gravy. Mmmm-mmm good. Bring it on.

Boobie dinner was a success this year. We had two absentees, but they were excused--their gifts sent along afterwards. We missed them though. My Kris Kringle recipient was Boo. I dressed her in pink from head to toe. It's apparently her new "thing," and she seemed to like it so I was happy. Looks good on her as always. I was Boobin's Kris Kringle. A friendly mug full of chocolately warmth is what he sent my way. What a guy. You can never go wrong with chocolate. Squiggly was a big huge loser and bought each of us a ticket to see the Raptors play Boston in February. What a loser. What a GREAT big the most loving of ways, of course.

Santa was more than generous this year. I feel bad for Brodder though. I wish I'd had more money to spend on him earlier, though the homemade Domokun was worth the laugh. I'm making it a point to take him out shopping soon. That or figure out something awesome. Usually my gifts for him are kick-ass, but I seem to have experienced a major brain fart this year. That sucks. I swear to make it up to him. Brain fart or not.

I received my first piece of real jewellery this year. Outside of mommy and daddy that in not from BBT (no, that's not'd have to have been there). From Hun-Gee (both of them), I got a VERY pretty necklace. On a dainty-fine silver chain there's a silver heart with sparklies in it. SOOOO pretty. I've never owned something so pretty and delicate, I'm afraid to wear it half the time. But SOOOO pretty. By the way, did I mention it was pretty?

Anyway, there's SO much more to write, but I'll have to get back to you later on that stuff. I'm trying to help Hun-Gee pack so that he and the guys can get on their way to spend the New Year in Montreal. Oh yeah, so have I mentioned yet that I'm spending the New Year Countdown at work and without a Hun-Gee to kiss at midnight. :p Ah the sacrifices...


melody xoxoxoxo

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