Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Blogrings, Blogrings Everywhere

I finished my first of four exams today. ENGB25H3F - The Canadian Short Story. I studied a total of...maybe one day for it, if I round up to the nearest day, much like cell phone companies round up to the next minute, even if you've used half a second. Yeah, so I studied about 20 hours than my above guess-timate. But that's okay. It's a B-level course that I'm not extravagantly worried about. I'm a Canadian who's already studied The Short Story - ENGB41H3F; how different could it have been? (Now just wait and watch and in a few weeks time I'll be posting my regrets for not having taken ths exam more seriously. :p)

As a reward for this accomplishment, I rewarded myself by doing NOTHING all night. I still have three more exams coming up sometime next week, but still, I decided that my poor eyes needed a break from reading the equivalent of a novel a night for four nights running (though these novels weren't related to this exam, they were for the other three coming up). So how did I spend my night then? Reading blogs!!! Alright, so my eyes didn't get the break I wanted to give them, but I DID stumble upon some very interesting blogs, one of which I added to my sidebar o' links.

Al the Shouter is the author of Shouting into the Void and I accidentally stumbled onto his blog and was hooked instantly. His Hallowe'en post called Candy Samples totally cracked me up--and I think all should read it. If I could at my sarcastic best all the time, he'd be me only at least 5 times moreso. Good stuff I tell you, good stuff.

Once I stumbled onto Al's blog, I found myself suddenly sucked into a huge vortex of blogs in which I'd read about 3 posts from each before skipping off that person's recommended links and onto the next blog. It was a enthralling experience I tell you. I totally have respect for those that write and write well. I can only aspire to be as accomplished one day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blog-hopping...its the new craze, didntchaknow?