Sunday, December 07, 2003

Things A Little Outtahand...

Reverse 6s tourney at Outtahand today was fun. Sure we didn't win, but it was fun! (Finally, the FU back in FUN! -->that's such a great line, Shaky) Team: Wolfgang as setter, Schmoe in 6, Tuna in 5, me and O taking turns between power and middle, and Bev as offside. Besides being on court, the day was split between napping, shoelace tying, tickle attacks, Schmoe's talking (and us trying to tune that talking "loud" as it could get), Simpsons/Seinfeld/FRIENDS quotations, eating and drinking (Gatorade, that is), and various other miscellaneous activities. A good day, despite the fact that most of us had underslept. I'd do it again anytime. Except right now. Right now I'm going to ice my finger (that's pronounced "FIN-jer"), heat-pack my shoulder, and bandage my hand--that way I'll be in tip-top shape to play again tomorrow at 9am!!! Whoo-hoo! As O said today after I asked her why she didn't just go home to sleep after her 6:30am shift at work: "Because it's volleyball." Well duh.

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