Monday, January 04, 2010


Between then and now, stuff happened.

I gave Jenny to my mom to use. I have since then acquired a temporary laptop to use until I get my act together and (get a job) and buy a new one. I have not yet decided to name this one.

Another of my friends got engaged.

The cat now refuses to drink out of his water dish. Instead, he prefers to drink dripping water out of the bathtub faucet. Whenever either of us goes to take a shower, he dashes in there to lap up the last drizzles after we turn the tap off. Because of this, sometimes we have to let the faucet drip for a bit when we get home so that he's not dehydrated. Stupid cat. I love him.

That Thundering Chicken friend of mine decided that he rather likes the CrazyBF and has since stayed over a few times this holiday to play video games with him until 7:30am. Watching them play, I have added the following words to my vocabulary if not to refer to Halo ODST, then just for my sheer amusement: Splooge gun, killtocity, and killionaire.

I am the proud owner of my very own Sackman (see Little Big Planet).

The Boos retired their 11-year old Christmas tree this year.

I bought winter tires for the first time in my driving career, and they have yet to be tested on any snow.

Another friend of mine bought a house.

I've realized that some people do grow up, some people never grow up, and some people stay the same. No matter what they do, some people you feel sorry for, some you start to like a little more, and some you love regardless.


ehbaba said...

Lo Hung Gai

TC said...

Hahaha... say it 5 times, real slow... keep saying it... now say it faster...

<5 minutes elapse, all within earshot have been incapacitated with explosive uncontrollable laughter and convulsive diarrhea>

"Lo... hung... gai? I still don't get it. What's so funny? lo hung gai lo hung gai lo hung gai lo hung gai lo hung gai lo hung gai lo hung gai!"

Pass the tp... I shat myself again.