Friday, January 15, 2010

That Jimmy Kimmel bit

I think two people in my entire blogging career have ever suggested that I censor what I write. One of those people only did it once. As always, I will not be censored once I've written something, but I think it should go on the record that I don't exactly go out and post everything. Public humiliation or defamation of another's character is not exactly my style.

Sure, there are times where I just wish I could throw up anything I feel about someone or something, but sometimes I know that being the writer that I am, I can always find a better way to put it, and if I can't find that way, then I won't. I'll put it somewhere else--somewhere a little more private.

That's not to say that I'm perfect.

There are times when I post things that I've thought to sound innocent enough and they tell more than I meant to say, but hey, at least I didn't say it all. Or sometimes, there are times when I say nothing, and readers read everything into it. Either way, in both instances, it sure can get interesting, can't it?

Anywhoo...the point is...well, there's stuff I'd like to post about at this moment, that I am choosing not to...but it will come out. When I'm ready.


k said...

What an interesting point. I just started my blog as a way to vent what's really on my mind, things I can't exactly tell the people in my life right now.
And that never happened, so now i'm just in this weird purgatory of saying embarrassing things that are really unimportant, and hinting at things that are way too intense to put out in public.
I think i've convinced myself that the two factors combined will give me the same sensation of sharing my secret? But it doesn't. And it won't.

I dunno. Anyway i'm not trying to supercreep your blog or anything, this entry just spoke to me wayyy too much. Oy!

dimps said...

i lub you. ah.