Thursday, January 21, 2010

Colour Blind

Not everything in life can be defined as black or white. Some things are not definitely wrong, while others aren't absolutely right. There is no rulebook or manual that you can go to to see if something is right or wrong. Even in the cases where there ARE rulebooks, you should see how many little points and sub-sections there are to each rule (trust me, I've looked) because there are just that many nuances that make up any given situation. And despite all of those little points and sub-sections and additions and notes, there's always going to be that one exception to the rule.

This is the reason why we don't have robots that can do very much for us beyond anything that can be defined in binary. That's why all those movies are made over whether or not a machine programmed with 1s and 0s can actually mimic a human experience.

Life is not binary.

For those who think it is, they're missing not just the shades of grey in between, but the whole spectrum of colours that make life beautiful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that was nice