Thursday, July 07, 2005


Hehehe. The font I use is "verdana"; however, I just typed it in as "verdanana", reminding me of the song that has a part that goes "na-na-na-na." If you know what song this is, then perhaps you found my typo as amusing as I did. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then never mind you.

I was supposed to go to Wonderland tomorrow, but my plans got all screwy then cancelled (at no one's fault). But the thing is, I'd had it all planned out! I was going to head out early, pick up BigSexy, and be at the park by opening. Once we got there, I was going to suit up with my tensor and air-cast and hobble with my crutches over to the entrance. There, we would buy our tickets, and then go in and ask for a courtesy wheelchair for me. From that point on, BigSexy would wheel me around from ride to ride, for front of the line access, baby! It was going to be splendid! Who's going to tell the wheelchair ridden girl to wait at the end of the line? That's right. Alas, my shamming will have to wait for another day.

Instead, BigSexy and I are probably going to head down to the beach early tomorrow. Either just for a walk or just for lunch, we'll see, but all's I know is that fun times are always to be had down at the beach.

Oo-oh! New York is excitingly in the works. Sure I'm going down to play in a tournament at a time I shouldn't be playing. And sure I'm riding down with a rival club's team consisting completely of boys not yet old enough to drive. And I know I haven't been working for over 2 weeks and have had no income for that same amount of time. But it's VOLLEYBALL. If it's any consolation, my own team may not enter the tournament, so I may not get to play. And though it's a rival team, I'm dating their ringer--I've been dating him longer than this team's been a team. And though I haven't been working, guess who just found a cheque lying on her desk that's been waiting to be deposited for the last 3 weeks?

Booyah: I was meant to go to New York.

In other news, I tried to go and donate blood today, but was rejected after 3 minutes of pumping because my veins were too weak. Who gets rejected from trying to help? I feel like such a failure. In an attempt to make it up to me, the volunteers covered me in stickers and still offered me juice and cookies at the end--however, I still felt like the reject I was, especially when it was revealed that the next lady to come to the juice and cookie table had just donated for her 136th time. Damn woman and her powerful veins. Even Esquire got to donate successfully, even though he'd only been at the mall to say "hi" and to buy groceries. :( Maybe next time.
C'mon, who could reject this face? Wouldn't you want my blood?


Anonymous said...

i can reject that face anytime.


Anonymous said...

Hee hee...if it makes you feel any better, I've been rejected too. My hemoglobin level was too low...this was told to me after lining up for over an hour out of the goodness of my heart to donate my blood!